Draw More Clients To Drug Treatments With Treatment-Centers.net
Released on: October 27, 2010, 5:24 am
Bernie Grohsman
Industry: Healthcare
In a perfect world, a client would receive drug treatments,
and then recommend them to others in need. Word of mouth would fuel
admissions for a drug treatment center. In today’s competitive
behavioral healthcare landscape, though, depending heavily on client
referrals just doesn’t work. An addiction intervention and treatment
center must advertise its drug treatments online through websites such
as Treatment-Centers.net. A featured listing in the comprehensive
online directory allows a center to reach more than 125,000 unique
visitors each month, and the high ranking of the directory itself in
search engines improves a center’s own website ranking, simply by
online association.
October 2010 – A successful drug treatment center not only offers drug treatments
that help clients get clean and regain control of their lives, but it also
advertises these drug treatments so that more addicts know about them in the first
place. A successful addiction intervention and treatment center also knows that
Internet advertising – such as on Treatment-Centers.net – offers the most return for
its adverting efforts. The comprehensive online directory offers both general and
featured listings, making not only a positive impact on the center’s admission
rates, but also on the rankings of the center’s website in search engines as each
listing contains a link to the website.
Treatment-Centers.net, created by Internet marketing expert and recovering addict
himself Bernie Grohsman, offers general listings for more than 11,000 addiction
intervention and treatment centers. General listings are free to drug treatment
centers, and addicts looking for a drug treatment center can search for free. In
addition to the wealth of listings, the directory offers 24-hour live phone
assistance, online assessments and a community area where addicts can discuss
various drug treatments in forums and chat rooms. The Treatment-Centers.net
community also posts regularly to a topical and timely blog.
The comprehensive online directory’s featured listings take a drug treatment
center’s advertising efforts to the next level. These featured listings run at the
top of the center’s state category and in rotation on every page of
Treatment-Centers.net – that’s more than 11,000 pages. The end result: More than
125,000 monthly unique visitors have access to the center’s listing each month,
increasing admissions inquiries for drug treatments, and the presence of
a link to the center’s own website on these pages boosts search engine result
rankings that website.
A drug treatment center can sign up for a featured listing and be live on
Treatment-Centers.net in about two hours. A representative of the addiction
intervention and treatment center simply registers as a member of the directory’s
community, uploads and photo and pays through PayPal. Featured listings cost $525 a
month on a month-to-month basis. Featured listings advertising a center’s drug
treatments are limited to one per physical location, but there also are banner
advertising opportunities available on Treatment-Centers.net for centers that wish
to go even further in their advertising efforts.
About Treatment-Centers.net and Bernie Grohsman: Considered the leading Internet
marketer in the behavioral healthcare field, Bernie Grohsman created
Treatment-Centers.net to help addicts find the right drug treatment center. He is a recovering addict himself and lost his only brother to
addiction. Grohsman also created the directory to help addiction intervention and treatment centers a better way to advertise online. For
additional information, visit the Advertising page on Treatment-Centers.net.
Contact Details: Author: Bernie Grohsman, Founder, www.treatment-centers.net
Company Name: Behavioral Health Technologies, Inc./Treatment-Centers.net
Business Contact Name: Bernie Grohsman
Email: bernie@treatment-centers.net
Phone: 408-210-4910
Address: 378 Santana Row #322 San Jose, CA 95128
Phone #: “If you or a someone you know is in need of help, call 1-877-335-4673”

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