YouGov Survey
Suggest UK Consumers Fritter £Millions Away Daily

on: October 08, 2010, 7:18 am
Author: Simon Terry
Industry: Consumer
don't haggle, they tip needlessly in restaurants, they discard money off vouchers
and pay over the odds for credit charges – at a time when money is tight,
people are still wasting their cash
Before purchasing, only a third of consumers check the prices of banking rates
(31%) and credit card interest rates (35%)
• 10% refuse to negotiate prices in shops
• 40% of defect goods remain unreturned
• 67% of ladies do not wear the new shoes and clothes they buy
• 78% of money saving vouchers get thrown out
• 29% of restaurant tipping is unnecessary if the service or food is bad
October 2010 – A new YouGov
survey has shown reports of £millions being wasted by British consumers
everyday. From tipping double in restaurants, paying higher than normal banking
charges, putting money off vouchers in the bin and not comparing prices, Brits
are wasting money which they should be looking after, especially at a time like
the British Isles, 2,000 people responded to the survey which was for the money saving website,,
and found that 43% have been paying higher than normal bank charges, 78% threw
away money off vouchers and 29% tipped in restaurants where it wasn't necessary.
the change” is a regular quote for 14% of men who try to show off in front
of their friends or workmates. Ladies buy new shoes and clothes (67%), then
do not wear them. Despite the usefulness of comparison websites, only 35% of
people check the credit card interest rates and 31% check the bank rates before
S. Terry from stated, “Too much money is being
wasted in the UK according to the survey. People willingly tip in restaurants
where it's not needed and are not akin to haggling. People in the UK need to
check their daily spending and see where cutbacks can be applied. Making positive
changes to the way you spend helps in managing your finances
more efficiently”.
Despite the food and service quality being below par, 38% of people from London
still tipped in restaurants. With 10% of diners in the South West, 10% in London
and 14% in Wales said they would be more inclined to tip if they took a fancy
to the staff serving them. People from the East Midlands (7%) were more likely
to leave a tip if they were with a new partner or on a date. Men were more likely
(15%) to tip if they liked the waitress, 3% said they would tip if they were
with a workmate and 7% said they would do it to impress their partner.
Men are more prone to negotiating prices than women (only 8% of men wouldn't
as opposed to 12% of women). Businesses are happier to haggle, as long as they
get a sale at the end. Car showrooms are the most popular places to haggle with
55% of people trying. Only 8% would try in a travel agency and 9% in an electrical
goods store. In shoe shops, clothing shops, supermarkets and restaurants, only
1% of the respondents said they would try to haggle on price.
7% of people from the South West, South East and Wales would never haggle. That
means these areas are most likely to haggle. The areas which are least likely
to haggle on prices are the North East and East Midlands where 14% said they
would not give negotiating prices a chance.
Don't Always Mean Savings
Millions of pounds are wasted during sales as consumers by the goods then never
use them. 67% of women waste money when they buy new shoes and clothes and never
wear them. Men waste money on DVDs/CDs (19%), sports gear (7%) and computer
items (8%) during a sale and then don't use them.
from Wales showed that they were more likely (43%) to use the items they bought
in the sale whilst those in London (67%) said they were least likely to use
the sale items they purchased.
Simon Terry added, “People need to check to see if they actually need
that sale product and whether they are getting the best deal for it. Normally,
there are better deals and discounts to be had”.
more information from
figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was
2189 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 28th - 30th July 2010. The survey
was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative
of all GB adults (aged 18+).
About features the latest money saving offers from a growing
range of retailers, all updated in real time. Designed to help consumers save
money with both leading high street brands and specialist retailers,
offers one of the widest choices of discounts available.
of ASAP Ventures Ltd, the company behind the award winning
price comparison site, is committed to offering a growing
range of the best savings available online.
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contact –
Rachel Builder & Jenny White
T: 01625 511966
Details: Simon Terry

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