Celerant Technology Integrates with GunBroker.com, the World's Largest Online Auction of Firearms
Released on: November 17, 2010, 3:17 am
Celerant Technology Corp.
Staten Island, NY (November 17, 2010) – Celerant Technology, a
leader in the retail software industry, completed integration with
GunBroker.com, the world’s largest online auction of firearms and
accessories. The seamless integration with this highly reputable
auction shopping site allows dealers to more efficiently submit their
firearms and accessories in a streamlined process, directly from their
inventory within their Command Retail software.
“In addition to the many functions we have incorporated into our system for the
firearm industry, including electronic A&D Books and serialized reporting within the
guidelines of the ATF, this new integration is one that will further enable our
clients to expand their sales on web, translating into increased revenue,” stated
Ian Goldman, Celerant Technology President and CEO. “We are continually looking to
expand our product offering to specialize it to meet the needs of different vertical
markets. Integration into product-specific services such as GunBroker.com
strengthens our presence in the firearm industry and helps us to achieve our goal of
being a complete retail software for a variety of retail industries.”
The integration of GunBroker.com with a Celerant Command Retail E-Commerce site
allows the retailer to manage all auctions in one, central location, directly on
their own website. Dealers have the option to view open auctions, closed auctions,
recently created auctions, recently closed auctions and auctions that are closing
today. Auctions can then be easily added, removed or relisted, and bids can be
changed, without ever leaving the E-Commerce site.
“The functionality works similarly to our eBay integration, as clients are able to
post products that are setup to easily be auctioned on GunBoker.com,” stated Murtaza
Hamdani, Celerant Technology Director of E-Commerce. “Additionally, mass imports
can be completed, rather than individually, and templates can be created and copied
for faster future submissions, with set restrictions and shipping methods,
minimizing work on the retailer’s end.”
GunBoker.com, often referred to as the eBay of the firearm industry, enables
retailers to optimize turnaround by providing an easy and unique way to sell
firearms online. Integration with Celerant Command’s E-Commerce offering allows
retailers to sell these products directly from their inventory, in real-time. For
more information, please visit www.celerant.com/ecommerce.cfm. For more information
on GunBroker.com, please visit www.gunbroker.com.
About Celerant Technology
Celerant’s Command Retail is an advanced real-time retail management system, which
manages all areas of retail including POS, Inventory Management, Warehouse,
Distribution Center, Allocation, Multi-Channel/E-Commerce/Kiosk, Data Mining, and
Back-office, in a single, integrated system. Our advantage is the flexibility of our
Java platform, allowing Celerant professionals to conduct cost-effective analysis
and adaptation based on the individual needs of each retailer. The result is a
better system that meets the needs of retail businesses and gives them the tools to
take Command of their success. For more information regarding Celerant Technology,
go to www.celerant.com. For information on the Command Retail product, visit
Contact Details: 4830 Arthur Kill Road
Staten Island, NY 10309
Phone: 718-605-7733
Fax: 718-317-6948

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