Released on: January 31, 2011, 6:07 am
Craig's Flyer
Internet & Online
January, 31 2011 - When a company reaches a milestone then it's a pretty big event, and this is no different for Craig's Flyer. We are proud to announce our one year anniversary; Craig's Flyer was launched on Feb 1st, 2010 by web entrepreneur Rey Hearth.
Rey launched this site with intention of helping people simplify their experience
using classified ads. By providing expertly crafted templates that allow people to
stand out from the crowd, we have helped sell thousands of items for people all
across the world. We have seen a steady growth in traffic, and reputation as we
evolved over as a site over this past year. I don't think anyone could have
seriously predicted the overwhelming support we would get from the people who use
our service. As we past the anniversary of the launch of our site, we think it's
important for our customers to know that we are committed to maintaining the great
standards you've come to expect from Craig's Flyer and to continually improve our
website based off your feedback.
So from all of us here at Craig's Flyer we would like to thank our amazing fans who have made our inaugural year such a success. We would also like to send a thank you out to all the people who helped build this website, and make it the place it is today.
Craig's Flyer is a unique tool which allows you to design a professional flyer or ad in seconds and with NO programming skills, and it's known to be one of the best classified ad maker tools on the market.
Contact Details: Rey Hearth, P.O. BOX 342/2 Houston, TX.,