New Book Pleads For Grandma to Stop Driving in the Left Lane
Released on: January 03, 2011, 4:00 am
Tyrone Short
In Tyrone Short's newest book ‘Lord Why is Grandma Driving in the Left Lane?' he expresses his views on one of America's leading problems, ‘Grandma' and the many foolish drivers that congest the left lane of our roads and highways.
Tyrone Short announces ‘Lord Why is Grandma Driving in the Left Lane?' in conjunction with Lulu (www.Lulu), the world's fastest-growing provider of print-on demand books.
In his own words, “It is bad enough to have to deal with the volume of traffic during rush hour, but to have to deal with grandma and the many foolish drivers that flock and linger in the passing lane is despicable. It is amazing that our roads have not become one big battlefield.”
In his collective thoughts, Tyrone Short takes an introspective and risky stance at what may be considered a controversial topic for a Christian writer. Nevertheless, this thought provoking book is well-timed for what is going on in the nation today and it has the capability to transform many to a healthier and more productive outlook in regards to this issue.
Lord Why is Grandma Driving in the Left Lane is available for purchase at
About the Author
Tyrone Short serves the body of Christ as Prince Trog, Colorado's One and Only Christian Reggae Rapper. He can be reached at the following: / 303-378-1346 /

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