Chester Businesses Join Forces To Communicate With The Masses
Released on: February 01, 2011, 5:24 am
ACF Car Finance
Chester-based mobile communications company, Txtlocal, are working with independent car dealer, ACF Car Finance Limited,
on a nationwide SMS messaging strategy to target customers.
ACF Car Finance, the UK’s only nationwide car dealer specialising in providing
quality used cars and arranging financial solutions for credit impaired customers,
chose to work with Txtlocal to reduce costs and improve customer service. Through
Txtlocal’s quick and easy online service, ACF Car Finance can message prospect
customers throughout the country.
Lorna Rossi, ACF Car Finance Head of Business Acquisition said “Using the SMS
messaging service from Txtlocal to encourage customers to contact us has not only
saved us time and money, but it has improved functionality and given us greater
flexibility. A simple text message sent to anybody who has enquired about our
service shows that we care about getting them the right deal.”
ACF Car Finance operates a Chester-based call centre and has a network of seven
used-car showrooms throughout England, so communication is paramount. Part of the
SMS system operates through Txtlocal’s API system which allows messages to be sent
directly to customers phones following an enquiry.
Darren Daws, Managing Director at Txtlocal added “Our services have a proven track
record in the finance industry to significantly increase ROI. SMS gives a campaign
the added power to communicate with targeted customers and build on relationships
through opt-in marketing using permission and trust. Adding SMS to a campaign allows
consumers to text for more information so the follow-up is able to become more
targeted, we have seen this work in every business sector.
Mobile marketing and communications activity is set to grow during 2011 and
according to recent news published in the FT the Mobile Advertising sector is
forecast to see 14% growth this year. This highlights the fact that companies cannot
afford to ignore the power of mobile as part of their communications strategy, and
shows how these two Chester based companies are working together to stay ahead of
the competition.
Daws concluded, “We offer personal, low cost instant communication for businesses to
communicate directly to people who have chosen to receive it. Be it marketing,
news, appointment reminders, cancellations, team building or order confirmations.
SMS is no longer seen as spam – but powerful, low cost instant communication to an
opt in audience of your very best customers”.
The ACF Car Finance head office and customer call centre are based at Chester
Business Park and Txtlocal operates out of Bell Meadow Business Park, Chester.
A little more about Txtlocal…
• is the UK's most popular SMS messaging service. Helping any
business to instantly communicate with customers and staff using a range of low
cost, high impact, SMS solutions.
• Founded by Darren Daws and Alastair Shortland in 2005, Txtlocal brings SMS
Marketing to the UK business market; with ease of use and accessibility built into
the core services.
• Award winning control panel, email gateways, API interface, and plethora of
features build up to one of the most advanced and easy-to-use text messaging systems
on the market.
• Txtlocal works with over 75,000 UK businesses and employs 11 staff across two
sites in Chester and Malvern. Txtlocal’s clients account for six million texts sent
every month since the beginning of 2010.
• Amongst Txtlocal’s client base, some of their more famous clients include Google,
Manchester United, MySpace,, Shell, Dominos, and Ladbrokes. However the
service is also used by 50,000 SME’s who want to develop closer relationships with
their customers too; it’s all about permission marketing, keeping in contact shows
that you care. SMS is the simplest way to reach people right into their hands.
• Txtlocal’s service offering has expanded to include
o Online Web SMS – send and receive texts through any internet connected PC/MAC.
o Email to SMS – send and receive texts from any email application
o Short Codes – 5 digit codes like 60777 used for lead generation and Permission
Marketing Campaigns to generate instant response.
o API Gateway – automatically enable sending of messages from a website or database.
o Location Based Services – immediately locate customers interested in your service.
o Picture Messaging – send or receive MMS picture messages.
• MD Darren Daws spoke about the benefits of Txtlocal’s service with the leading
mobile industry research agency Mobile Squared, see what he said here:
• Darren Daws is available for interview. Images available on request
For more information please contact: 01244 573 244
Contact Details: Becky McCormick
PR Marketing Manager
Call: +44 (0)845 009 3188

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