New Sci-Fi Thriller-Mystery Novel That Confronts Contemporary Scientific Theories With Biblical Scripture
Released on: February 22, 2011, 5:56 am
Derrick G. Lindsey
New Author Derrick G. Lindsey’s novel Watchers of the Rainbow
Covenant confronts paranormal phenomena and science with Biblical
scripture. One of the great anomalies of our modern time, is that
atheists attack the Bible as being full of “ignorance” and a tool
written by ignorant men “to enslave” those who believe. This could not
be further from the truth. Even if you don’t believe in divine
inspiration, the writers were the greatest minds of their time. The
greatest philosophers, statesmen, planners, organizers, military
leaders, and “yes” even scientist of their day. Theirs was cutting edge
thinking in a constantly changing world of demagogies, wars, famines,
and new scientific discoveries. Much like the world we live in today.
Derrick G. Lindsey explodes onto the literary scene with a compelling, fast paced
and suspenseful novel set in a dynamic future. What is truly fascinating is how it
confronts cutting edge theories of today on the creation of the universe with the
Biblical accounts of creation.
The story is a step by step mystery that evolves, but the science is what is ground
breaking. A true fusion of the two trains of thought (Religion and Science) which
actually are very complementary to each other.
Paranormal phenomena folklore dating back thousands of years, and presented in
theories and in the media today are brought face to face with the ageless text of
the Bible.
Watchers of the Rainbow Covenant is a joy ride on a fast plane into a world 200
years from today. One need not be a Biblical scholar or a science fan of the latest
theories to enjoy it. One merely has to love science fiction and you will love this
About the Author:
Derrick G. Lindsey is a Computer Science Engineer who has worked for various NASA
projects in his career, most notably the U.S. Space Shuttle.
He has studied at Fuller Theological Seminary Pasadena California, and The Kings
Seminary in Van Nuys California where he is pursuing a Masters of Divinity Degree.
Media Contact:
Derrick G. Lindsey
Phone (818) 470- 5868
Video Trailer “Watchers of The Rainbow Covenant” at
Published through Xulon Press 12/21/2010, Watchers of The Rainbow Covenant is
available via the Xulon Press Online Bookstore, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and
various other online Bookstores,
Contact Details: 17371 Raymer St., Northridge Ca. 91325

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