Substantial Presentations on Insurance Trends, Emerging Risks and Pandemic Modelling Released by Actuary
Released on: February 17, 2011, 6:51 am
Claude Penland
Claude Penland, casualty actuary and webmaster, has produced
at three informative PowerPoint
presentations and videos for actuaries, actuarial analysts,
underwriters, financial analysts, accountants, consultants, claims
personnel and others in the insurance and reinsurance industries.
The first presentation, "10 Influenza Pandemic Models", profiles models from the
Society of Actuaries, Milliman, VirSim, Risk Management Solutions, Military Science,
INFORMS, Los Alamos, open source alternatives and others.
The second is entitled "40 Insurance Trends for 2011". Forty insurance trends are
considered, including healthcare, health plan grandfathering, asset quality,
Takaful, microinsurance, emerging risks, insurance industry job losses, predictive
analytics use, as well as other global insurance and reinsurance trends.
The third presentation is called "10 Emerging Risks for Insurers and Reinsurers".
These risks include infrastructure, cyber attacks, space weather, nanotechnology and
municipal bankruptcies.
About Claude writes at least six times a day on the international
business issues that he explores daily. These global topics include insurance news
(, insurance startup companies (, insurance
mergers and acquisitions (, insurance trends (,
reinsurance news and trends (, web startups
(, web trends (, web development, pension risk
(, catastrophe risk (, Solvency II European
insurance regulations (, Takaful (, predictive
analytics (, risk management (, odd business ideas
(, plus finance and investment.
Contact Details:
Pittsburgh, PA
(412) 259-3538

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