Survey Shows Increase in Worries Over Finances and Jobs As Cutbacks Begin

Released on: February 7, 2011, 5:50 am
Author: Simon Terry
Internet & Online
Findings of new survey comprising of 2,000 people reveal
concerns as increasing over finances, the economy and job security as
Government Cutbacks start
• Government Cutbacks worry 84% of participants
• 69% reveal they think the extent of the cuts are not being truthfully shared by
the Government
• Concerned about the security of their jobs are 56%
• Expecting to be up to £300 worse off every month due to cuts are 77%
• Thinking the cuts by the Government will harm the economy are 50%
07 February 2011 – The new survey saw 2,000 people take part, and showed that due to
local authorities getting rid of thousands of employees, inflation going up to 3.7%
and unemployment rates in the UK going up to 2.5 million, many are getting rather
anxious about the affects of the Government Cutbacks. is one of the nation’s top money saving website range, and were
behind the national survey. They found that 84% were concerned about the cutbacks
being made by the Government; whilst 69% did not really believe the Government is
being honest about the depth of the cuts.
Simon Terry, Managing Director of remarked, “There is a real
sense of concern surrounding the Government cutbacks. We have seen that county
councils are axing thousands of employees, and with the increase in inflation it is
causing many to feel insecure and worried about the safety of their jobs and the
state of their finances.”
The new national survey also found that each month 77% of participants are now
expecting to be worse of by up to £300. 11% said they believe their figure will be
up to £1000 and only 10% said they did not think their financial situation would be
affected by the cutbacks.
Also, 50% said they were concerned about how the cuts will impact the security of
their jobs. 63% said they worked in the public sector, or were aware of someone else
who did, and were concerned about the future of their on-going position.
With many starting to be increasingly worried about their finances and jobs, the
survey found many were deciding to delay buying expensive items and even put off
major life changing decisions. For example: 40% are now postponing home improvement; 38% will now delay buying a new car or going on holiday; 22% said they will now delay moving house; 17% will not change their jobs at this time; 7% say they are now putting off having a baby; and 7%
have decided to hold off on their wedding plans.
“With the unknown consequences the cutbacks will have it is making many people in
the UK very concerned. Most of the people that we talked to feel the cuts will go
much further than the Government has actually revealed, thus many are planning for
tough times.” Simon adds.
The survey asked respondents where they would feel more content with cuts being
made: 68% said the benefit system would be better; 41% said local councils; 21%
stated the armed forces; 14% suggested the public services sector such as waste
management; 10% stated the NHS; 9% suggested education; and 8% said policing.
Respondents also suggested other areas should experience cut backs such as bonuses
of bankers and quangos, and salaries and expenses of MPs.
Additionally, 50% stated they believe the Government Cutbacks will have a negative
effect on the economy, whilst 46% said they felt it was needed for the economy; and
37% said they did not think they were vital. is a top money saving site in the UK and contains hundreds of
amazing deals from a wide range of brands such as Boden, Travelodge,,
First Choice, Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Sainsbury’s. More information can be
obtained at
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Media contact –
Debbie Williams, Rachel Builder & Jenny White
T: 01625 511966
Contact Details: Simon Terry (Asap Ventures Ltd)
0845 871 2069

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