Felisa Schlosser of Prospect Mortgage Featured on San Diego Mortgage Website

Released on: March 2, 2011, 08:26 am
Grant Pearson
Real Estate
San Diego, California March 2, 2011 - MySanDiegoMortgage.com,
a mortgage information website, has sent an open invitation to San
Diego mortgage lenders and professionals to share their insights about
the mortgage industry with the public.
MySanDiegoMortgage.com is an information website serving as a guide and resource
center for people who are in the market for a mortgage. The site is inviting
mortgage industry professionals to continue adding to the collection of informative
reports and articles already featured. These help potential borrowers by giving them
tips regarding many things, from where to get a mortgage, to the different kinds of
loans available, to selecting the proper lender, and everything in between. The site
contains useful information that is used by potential borrowers, not just in San
Diego, but everywhere.
And with that, MySanDiegoMortgage.com has begun publishing these San Diego mortgage professionals. They report on current trends and existing market
conditions, and give tips and guides on how to make the most out of a mortgage. The
latest to give insights into the mortgage industry is Prospect Mortgage's Felisa
Felisa Schlosser, who gave a fun and quirky introduction about herself, her hobbies,
and her job, disclosed information about the current situation of the San Diego real
estate market. She described it as having “...an all time high for home
affordability...”, and explained why it's an incredible time to buy in San Diego.
She continued by explaining that while there are some obstacles to obtaining condo
financing, there are existing solutions that can be utilized. She gave some examples
of specific loans that are performing very well for her clients.
Felisa's contribution to MySanDiegoMortgage.com is a very good addition to the
website's existing collection, and pushes the website one step further into its
goal to provide the best mortgage information to consumers.
San Diego mortgage professionals and lenders interested in giving their thoughts on
the mortgage market can make use of the contact information below.
Contact Details: info@mysandiegomortgage.com

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