Walmart Dollar Stores Social Acceptance Say's Bring It On
Released on: April 18, 2011, 8:11 am
Author: Edward Mugits
Industry: Marketing
With over 5 million Facebook Fans and Growing, it appears
Walmart is preparing to send a clear message to their Facebook fans;
we’ve heard your wants and needs and we're here to deliver the Best
Roll-Back we've ever had thanks to you (and our savvy money centers).
We're delivering the "Walmart Fans Just In Time Program". Yes Fans,
Walmart has monitored your pay-check cashing trends and they see that
they've lost many friends in their stores during those magical 3 days
just before pay-day. You know those majestic 3 days when you scrape up
just enough to buy those essentials like diapers or baby food to hold
you over until pay-day.
The Big Box Fox knows when it gets down to those last few days and dollars just
before your next paycheck. Well, we believe Walmart is getting set to announce
their "Days before Pay Day Dollar Store" in an isle near you. No, there are no
new stores with the 99 cent deals, it's Pay Day Dollar Days at your local Walmart.
Walmart Rolls Back their Contract Packagers
Walmart has given tentative notice (nothing is ever tentative with Walmart, it's
always going to happen) to their Contract Packagers (CP), supply chain that they
want smaller sizes of the basic necessities on the shelf during what they claim are
those 3 days just before pay-day. Sales of those essentials during those 3 days
just before pay day have been flowing into the neighboring Dollar store registers
for too long according to Walmart, and they now have sufficient data to drive their
Dollar Store initiative forward.
Walmart, the Big Box Fox is now one of the largest money centers in the world
Walmart has become one of the largest money centers in the world with their savvy in
store money centers offering In-store check cashing with a simple $3.00 fee for
checks up to $1,000.00 and a flat $6.00 for the $5,000.00 cap. Walmart in store
and online promotions include their "get your money when you want it" program with
their no registration required Walmart Money Card where you can reload it for free
every pay-day or just like a standard credit card. The Walmart Discover Card
maintains their Popular "Roll Back" concept with 1% cash back on all purchases and
a very rewarding $0.03 off a gallon of gas at their Sam's Club Gas Stations.
Need Cash? The Big Box Fox has that covered too, only with in store purchases.
Walmart, the data mining king of the big box retailers, keeps the money in house all
the time, and the transacting data, well, leave it to the Big Box Fox and their
innovative forward thinking, it's a win win situation for Walmart and their
customers, but a complex and taxing one for their Contract Packagers.
Walmart introduces the first Consumer J.I.T. Program
Walmart, King of the Just In Time (JIT) supply chain, has listened closely to the
voice of their customers through their money centers and social media marketing online assets, and the data shows the consumers need some JIT of
their own; the consumers need smaller and less costly sizes to hold them over until
they cash their next pay check or they buy elsewhere. It makes cents, which
quickly add up to that Dollar sale Walmart was losing during the 3 day Pay Day
Well enough said, they certainly implemented the best strategy to gather the data
and determine the exact pay-days and buying trends in each stores locale, and now
they've made it clear with a simple announcement that rattled the supply chain; Get
Ready To Rumble CP's, drop the twofers, the bulk and supersized buys because on
this very day, and not a day to soon or too late, Walmart wants your 18 pack of
toilet paper in a 2 pack to retail under a dollar and, re-configure that 48 pack of
diapers for a 3 day 10 pack supply to retail under a Dollar. Oh, but wait CP's,
because we want those standard sizes back on the shelf on Pay Day.
SEO Brand Management LLC maintains a dynamic on and off line presence in the
Sustainable Packaging Industry with our online reputation management services and reports its findings when considered news worthy. SEO Brand
Management is an advocate of Sustainable Practices and we monitor well over 20
keyword phrases attached to the sustainable packaging industry, and who better known
for its sustainable practices than "The Big Box Fox Walmart". Walmart
continues to be one of the most innovative drivers of sustainable packaging
initiatives in the world, and when they tell their CP's to Jump, believe me, they
jump or get left behind. Walmart has no shortage in their sustainable supply chain
stable, there are lines of them in Bentonville Arkansas waiting for their
opportunity to become a member of the Walmart Team.
Take a peek at the Walmart
Facebook Wall (5,019,005 Fans as of 04-16-11) and
watch the Buzz, it's all good just like the Big Box Fox knew it would. Edward Mugits
Contact Details: Edward Mugits, CMO, SEO Brand Management LLC

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