Women's Level One Weekend Mindfulness Retreat, Rome, GA: June 17-19, 2011

Released on: April 18, 2011, 8:38 am
Personal Coaching & Psychotherapy Associates, LLC dba Personal Coaching & Psychotherapy for Women
“It’s almost normal today to feel as if you have ADD
(Attention Deficit Disorder). We’re all suffering from stimulation
overload and sensory exhaustion” says Pamela Barge, MS, LPC, NCC,
Director of Personal Coaching & Psychotherapy Associates, LLC dba
Personal Coaching & Psychotherapy for Women. This is what led Pam to
put together her special weekend mindfulness retreats which she offers
to professional colleagues as sanctioned continuing education programs
as well as to the general public. “These special weekends are offered
as a special time away…a time to check out from the world and into
ourselves for a time”. With sunrise and candlelight yoga, tai chi,
delicious plant based meals, mindful consideration of what the
Buddhists call ‘Noble Silence’, opportunities to practice sitting and
walking meditation as well as stimulating group discussions with
like-minded folks, this may be just the ticket to slow things down and
to become more connected with yourself and with life.
Pamela Barge, LPC, has a background as a marketing executive and independent
entrepreneur. This business background together with her training as a therapist
and her own practice of mindful meditation gives her therapy and coaching practice
its unique flavor. The theoretical foundation of her work is founded upon the
tenets of mindfulness and the evidence-based works of such folks as Jon Kabat Zinn,
PhD, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts,
Thich Nhat Hanh, world renowned and revered Buddhist monk who was nominated for the
Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King, Sharon Salzberg of the Insight Meditation
Society in Barre, Massachusetts and His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama.
Each retreat is limited to fifteen attendees. For more information, to see an
individual retreat schedule as well as her 2011 Retreat Calendar or to make a
reservation, visit her website at www.womenscoaching.biz or phone Pam at
Contact Details: Pamela Barge, MS, LPC, NCC,
Founder and Director
Personal Coaching & Psychotherapy Associates, LLC dba Personal Coaching &
Psychotherapy for Women
175 Pine Grove Road,Suite 125, Cartersville, GA 30120
Telephone: 678-230-8127; Fax: 770-334-8029; Email: pamelabarge@womenscoaching.biz

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