RBS Invoice Finance Launches New External Website

Released on: May 10, 2011, 5:35 am
RBS Invoice Finance
RBS Invoice Finance has launched its new external website. The
new site comes after several months of development and planning, as
well as talking to staff, clients and introducers alike.
The improved site sees the information architecture of the site being completely
overhauled, allowing easier access to the information on the site for different
The new site aims to be turnover-based for those who are keen to understand the
types of services RBS Invoice Finance offers;
sector-based, for those who are keen to see examples of the services and clients in
sectors such as theirs and product-based, for those who know what they are looking
The site also features new and improved content including richer content, to help
engage visitors and keep them browsing the site, animation to bring
'Approve/Fund/Collect/Protect' to life and video client case studies to help tell
the RBS Invoice Finance story through the voice of the client.
Ross McFarlance, director of UK sales and client relations, commented: "The digital
world is constantly changing, so it's important that we invest to give our site
prominence in search engine results. To ensure this happens, RBS Invoice Finance has
appointed bigmouthmedia as its retained search engine optimisation agency. They will
help RBS Invoice Finance to continually review and improve its performance in online
search engines.
"This is a significant investment in the online channel and one which RBS Invoice
Finance is confident will yield increased online visibility, site traffic and new
business lead flow."
About RBS Invoice Finance:
RBS Invoice Finance is part of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group and is one of the
the largest providers of invoice finance solutions in the UK. Its network of offices
across the UK means that it is able to offer its clients a personal service that's
responsive to local needs. The team consists of dedicated relationship managers, who
match business objectives to effective products and solutions. They work with
clients on a daily basis; they are ably supported by named assistants who ensure the
smooth and efficient running of financial services.
RBS Invoice Finance offers a number of business finance services including invoice discounting and invoice factoring.
Because RBS Invoice Finance is part of the RBS Group it works closely with banking
colleagues, often co-located on the same premises.
PR contact:
Jonathan Gunn
Marketing - RBS Invoice Finance
Corporate Banking Division
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
3rd Floor, Bankside 2
90 - 100 Southwark Street
0870 600 0520

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