Turn Up The Heat On Fire Procedures In Your Workplace
Released on: May 24, 2011, 2:21 am
Industry: Industrial
DESPITE new legislation being introduced last year to
reinforce the fact that employers in England must consider an
employee's capabilities when it comes to fire safety, the majority are
still unaware of their obligations according to workplace equipment
provider Slingsby.
The Fire Safety (Employees' Capabilities) (England) Regulations 2010 were
introduced to clarify how fire-related tasks and assignments should be delegated to
employees. As part of the legislation employers must consider what a worker is able
and unable to do and how these capabilities may affect their ability to deal with
fire-related risks.
Lee Wright, Marketing Director of Slingsby, which supplies 35,000 workplace products
including an extensive range of fire safety equipment, explains: “Rather than being
an extra burden for employers, these new regulations have been introduced to
reinforce a workplace's responsibilities under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety)
Order 2005. However the majority of businesses that we speak to are still unaware
of the requirements and, as well as creating health and safety issues, this could
put them at risk of prosecution.
“The regulations say that employers must carry out a fire safety risk assessment to
identify what general fire precautions need to be in place. This should be reviewed
regularly and updated where necessary. It must take a workers' capabilities into
consideration along with specific risks they face in their job role and where
necessary employers should provide specific training. This also applies to fire
wardens or marshals.”
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 is still the primary legislation
concerning all sectors of fire safety. As part of this employers are required to
carry out a fire risk assessment to identify potential hazards and then take action
to reduce them. They must also have a plan in place in case of an emergency as well
as nominated people to assist in implementing it and all employees should be aware
of the procedures.
All buildings must have adequate escape routes for their size and layout. In
addition relevant signage should display fire procedures and highlight exits. In
premises where employees could be unaware of a fire, either because it's out of
sight or they can't hear warnings from colleagues, suitable fire alarms should be
used and emergency lighting may be necessary in dark escape routes.
Usually one water based extinguisher is also required for each 200m2 of floor space,
with a minimum of one extinguisher per floor. However in large or more complex
premises, and depending on individual risks, a greater number or wider range of fire safety equipment could be required and some premises may also require hose reels, fire blankets or protective clothing.
Note to editor:-
Slingsby was established in Bradford during 1893 by Harry Crowther Slingsby who
designed and created a range of robust trucks and trolleys to move heavy loads
horizontally around large buildings. Several members of the Slingsby family remain
on the board of directors and whilst the company is still famous for its manual
handling equipment, it now supplies more than 35,000 workplace products and safety equipment to a full range of industries
via its catalogues and website. For further information visit www.slingsby.com
Media contact:- Steve Wright at Candid PR on 0113 2576633.

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