Reveals 56% of Drivers Forget Where They Park
Released on: June 08, 2011, 8:10 am
Industry: Financial has revealed that 56% of UK drivers have at some
point, forgotten where they have parked their car, and 3% have picked
up the phone to ask their breakdown service to help them find it. More
than 50 in 2,000 drivers in the UK admit to making that call according
to a new survey by car insurance comparison site
The survey has revealed some of the gaffes of UK drivers, which have
led them to phone for their breakdown service, like 25% of drivers have locked their
keys in the car and 10% of drivers have had to call for their breakdown service to
help them sort the problem out. Putting the wrong fuel in the car has happened to
more than 10% of Brits, with half of those affected (5%), also calling for
assistance from a breakdown service to put things right. A small number of UK
drivers also admit to calling the breakdown service, not just when their car fails
but when they get lost (3.5%), lose their car (3.5%) or the sat nav is playing up
Needing help changing a wheel (21%) and topping up oil or engine coolant (13%) are
other reasons why drivers have called out their breakdown service.
When it comes to forgetting where they've parked, women fare worse than men with
63% of women owning up to losing track of where they parked, compared to 43% of men.
A whopping 78% of women have run out of petrol, with 69% of men admitting that
gaffe. 9% of men and 5% of women have called their breakdown service to help them
when their fuel ran dry. This is assuming they've managed to put the correct fuel
in the car in the first place: more than 14% of men have put the wrong fuel into the
car, compared to just 8% of women.
Gareth Kloet, head of car insurance at said: "This survey just goes to
show how much people use and appreciate their breakdown cover, especially when they
get themselves in a potentially embarrassing situation. Shopping around for
breakdown cover by using a website like can make it more affordable.
Although it's no substitute for remembering where you parked."
According to the survey of 2,000 drivers, which was carried out at the end of May
2011, almost a quarter of men and just under a quarter of women do not have any breakdown cover.
About is one of the UK's biggest and most popular price comparison services.
Launched in 2002, it generates over one million quotes per month. It has expanded
its range of comparison products over the last couple of years to include home
insurance, travel insurance, pet insurance, van insurance, motorbike insurance,
breakdown cover and energy, as well as financial services products including credit
cards, loans, mortgages and life insurance. has also developed a
number of tools to help users, including an alcohol units calculator, petrol cost
calculator and a number of savings calculators. is not a supplier, insurance company or broker. It provides a free,
objective and unbiased comparison service. By using cutting-edge technology, it has
developed a series of intelligent web-based solutions that evaluate a number of risk
factors to help customers with their decision-making, subsequently finding them
great deals on a wide-range of insurance products, financial services, utilities and
more.'s service is based on the most up-to-date information provided
by UK suppliers and industry regulators. is owned by the Admiral Group plc. Admiral listed on the London Stock
Exchange in September 2004. is regulated by the FSA.
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