Enabling microRNA Discoveries - 250th Peer-Reviewed Publication Made Possible By µparaflo® Custom Microarray Technology
Released on: June 09, 2011, 1:42 pm
Chris Hebel
LC Sciences, a life sciences company leading the development
of innovative microRNA (miRNA) analysis and discovery technologies,
announced today the publication of over 250 peer-reviewed studies using
the company’s microarray service for analyzing miRNA expression
profiles. These studies, by leading researchers in the field, represent
significant steps toward realizing these small regulatory RNA’s
potential as biomarkers and therapeutic targets.
MiRNAs have proven to be an extremely important part of the gene expression
regulation mechanism of a wide variety of cellular processes. This is evident in the
amount of relevant findings by LC Sciences’ customers being translated into
published reports and the diverse range of study areas that these publications
encompass: cancer research, neuroscience, cardiovascular research, reproductive
biology, plant science, microbiology, immunology and stem cell research. LC
Sciences’ miRNA profiling service, powered by its µParaflo® custom microarray
technology, provides quick, reliable, fully analyzed datasets enabling researchers
to immediately move forward with groundbreaking research.
The miRNA field is still nascent, and it is advancing rapidly. The race to discovery
has produced a continuous stream of new miRNA sequences as well as routine revisions
of inaccurate or incomplete sequences. This fluidity has caused many microarrays
with static content to fall away and has fueled reports of the wholesale replacement
of microarrays by new methods such as RNA-Seq. But the nimble, customizable format
of the µParaflo® array has given it staying power, not only by enabling it to keep
current with all known miRNAs, but also by making use of data generated by RNA-Seq.
These custom arrays have benefited from RNA-sequencing generating novel content that
other arrays are unable to capture and take advantage of.
The 250th study, entitled “Wolbachia uses host microRNAs to manipulate host gene
expression and facilitate colonization of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti.” appeared
in the May 31st issue of PNAS and was one of a group of articles published recently
by LC Sciences’ customers describing microarray expression analysis of miRNAs
recently discovered through RNA Sequencing.
Researchers at the University of Queensland, Australia studied the underlying
mechanisms of host manipulation by a widespread endosymbiont. Using microarrays,
they show that the miRNA profile of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is significantly
altered by a life-shortening strain of W. pipientis bacteria. This is extremely
important work as introduction of Wolbachia into mosquitoes has been proposed as a
method for malaria control. They found that a host miRNA (aae-miR-2940) is induced
after W. pipientis infection in both mosquitoes and cell lines.
This study illustrates the versatility of µParaflo® from a couple of perspectives.
First, mosquito, an important though non-model species was the target of interest
here and mosquito arrays, as well as arrays from any of the 153 species listed in
the miRBase public sequence database, are readily available from LC Sciences.
Second, custom content (novel miRNA sequences from an earlier sequencing study on
the same species) was quickly integrated into the content of the insect array
providing an even richer expression dataset. Though all the previously described,
known insect miRNAs were also present on the arrays, several custom sequences were
significantly differentially expressed in infected mosquitoes and a custom sequence
turned out to be one that became a focus of the investigation. Dr. Sassan Asgari,
lead researcher for the study, commented that microarrays “…provided an affordable
approach to the study of differential expression of small RNAs and miRNAs in
“We are very excited about the announcement of the 250th peer-viewed publication by
one of our microarray customers,” says Chris Hebel, VP of Business Development at LC
Sciences. “We were the first to provide a microarray expression profiling service
for miRNA back in 2005 and proud to be still going strong in the face of rapidly
advancing technologies, while many other less adaptable arrays, have fallen away.
Despite the apparent advantages of new technologies such as RNA-Seq, microarrays
have been the gene expression workhorse for many years and continue to be a robust,
affordable solution. High-throughput RNA sequencing is still significantly more
expensive and it won’t be until there is sufficient multiplexing of samples when we
finally do reach a cost approaching that of microarrays. Of course more samples
means less coverage per sample, and I think we’re still trying to figure out just
how much coverage is required for robust expression data from deep sequencing and
therefore what level of multiplexing can ultimately be reached. Meanwhile, RNA-Seq
has become an amazing tool for discovery of novel miRNAs and continues to provide
new content for our custom microarrays.”
About µParaflo® Technology - The µParaflo® technology is a microfluidic platform for
in situ parallel synthesis of biomolecular chips and miniaturization of bioassays
including hybridization, binding and enzymatic reactions. This unique platform
technology is based on pico-liter microfluidic reaction devices and a digital light
controlled synthesis method that employs conventional oligonucleotide or peptide
synthesis chemistry; a completely programmable process. The seamless integration of
these multidisciplinary technologies enables a significant advance in
parallelization, miniaturization, customization, and automation.
About LC Sciences - LC Sciences offers discovery, profiling and validation services
for microRNA and other small RNAs. Services include deep sequencing for discovery
applications, microarrays for differential expression profiling and
validation/confirmation of newly discovered microRNAs, and qRT-PCR for quantitation
of microRNA expression levels. These comprehensive services are designed to be
one-stop and produce the results needed to quickly advance your biological and
biomedical research. Combining the latest deep sequencing technology with ourµParaflo® on chip synthesis technology offers unprecedented flexibility and
customization capability.
More information about LC Sciences is available at www.lcsciences.com.
Hussain M, Frentiu FD, Moreira LA, O'Neill SL, Asgari S. (2011) Wolbachia uses host
microRNAs to manipulate host gene expression and facilitate colonization of the
dengue vector Aedes aegypti. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108(22), 9250-55.
Contact Details: Chris Hebel
LC Sciences LLC
2575 West Bellfort St, Ste 270
Houston, TX 77054
FAX 713-664-8181

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