Gen 2 Helps To Get Your Company On Top

Released on: June 01, 2011, 5:04 am
Gen2 New Media
To get recognised on The Times’ Rich list – dominated by the
business elite – is the aim many intrepid entrepreneurs. While there is
no shortcut or recipe for success, there are a few golden rules. Taking
care of the customer experience is one, and so is impressive branding
and internal efficiency. Gen 2 is offering their expertise in precisely
these areas, enabling your staff to concentrate on the fundamentals of
the business.
If your company offers a service to customers, then Gen 2 can improve the medium
through which this is done. A case study that highlights this is the recent contract
with Scout 7 – a leader in football scouting and recruitment. This company needed a
transformation of their user interface. As users were not satisfied with their
experience of the website, the company’s good services were being misrepresented.
Gen 2 worked with Scout 7’s branding, marketing and software; making substantial
improvements to their website. Now the website has advanced flash-based plug-ins and
a customised interface to boot. This case study is a template for the improvements
that Gen 2 can offer to your company.
While Gen 2 excels in the ethereal world of the internet, they can also offer
physical improvements too. Gen 2 provides help with signage and office design, to
spruce up your working environment or business fronts. In a further bid to transform
your company inside and out, Gen 2 is promoting a unique service: ‘learn 2’. If you
are an educational facility then ‘learn 2’ will optimise the way your deal with your
students, take fees, and advertise and market your school. Learn 2 restructures your
business with a central system through which all areas of the company can be edited,
manipulated and personalised.
Gen 2 - a website design company Birmingham based - offers all this without it costing the earth, and what cost
you do incur can be managed, broken down and paid over time. By visiting their
website, you can see for yourself the ease with which it can be navigated, along
with the interactive features that creates a truly satisfying user experience. With
a range of companies in their portfolio – from food and drink monoliths Cadbury’s
and Guinness, to British Transport Police and Scout 7 – their experience speaks for
itself and could be the key to a bright future for your company.
About Gen 2
Gen 2 New Media specialises in creative design and branding,
print marketing, advertising web development, and recruitment software.
Contact Details: Bricklyn House, Corner of Bulls Lane and Wishaw Lane
Wishaw, Sutton Coldfield
B76 9QN
West Midlands
United Kingdom
0121 351 6563

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