npower Urges Businesses To Have Their Say On Energy Legislation
Released on: June 10, 2011, 3:18 pm
npower, the energy firm, has announced that businesses need to
make sure they make their voices heard when it comes to shaping current
and future energy legislation. npower has launched its own consultation
for businesses in response to the government's Red Tape Challenge.
The 'Red Tape Challenge' was launched in April 2011 with the aim of engaging with
different industries to gather feedback on current UK legislation, to help simplify
the regulatory landscape for businesses.
npower's 'Red Tape Challenge - Have Your Say' campaign is designed to give
businesses the opportunity to feedback on current and future energy regulation affecting the sector. Businesses can have their say on the energy policies they
think should be scrapped, merged with existing regulation, simplified or left.
Once feedback has been gathered, the energy company will submit its findings on
behalf of businesses to the government's Red Tape Challenge, ahead of the utilities
and energy sector's consultation deadline on 27 October 2011.
The campaign was launched in response to the Red Tape Challenge as well as npower's
own research that revealed strong business opinion on current and proposed energy
When asked about the proposed Electricity Market Reform (EMR) nearly half of
companies surveyed believed the EMR would be complex and unwieldy for businesses.
Similarly, research conducted to coincide with the first anniversary of the Carbon
Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC) found that 45% of businesses
want to see the CRC scrapped.
David Cockshott, director of industrial and commercial markets at npower, said: "The UK's business community has been given a unique opportunity on an
unprecedented scale to have its say on energy legislation and we are urging them to
get involved and make their voices heard.
"We know from conversations with our own customers that businesses find it
difficult keeping track of the legislation or potential legislation affecting them,
from the EMR to the CRC. Now businesses can tell the government exactly what
policies they think should be scrapped, merged with existing regulation, simplified
or left as they are.
"We understand that everyone is busy, which is why we are launching the npower Red
Challenge - Have Your Say campaign. It simplifies the process and is designed to
provide businesses with a less time-consuming way to air their views on current
energy related legislation.
"This type of opportunity to influence legislation does not come along everyday and
we urge businesses of all shapes and sizes to take the time now to have their say on
the energy policy of the future."
About npower:
npower is one of the top business energy suppliers
to the UK business market, serving over 238,000 small to medium sized enterprise
sites and around 17,000 industrial and commercial customers, with over 100,000 sites
with business gas and business electricity.
npower Industrial and Commercial Markets is an award-winning business energy
supplier. In 2010 it was named 'The Consumer Supplier of the Year' at The Energy
Event and was also awarded 'Energy Supplier of the Year' at the inaugural Energy
'Buying & Supplying Excellence' Awards. Both awards were voted for by business
npower is dedicated to helping UK businesses use energy more efficiently and
therefore spend less money on their bills. We aim to have a positive impact on the
communities we serve and reduce our customers' carbon footprint whilst always
improving our service to our customers.
npower specialises in risk management solutions, including market-leading flexible
energy purchasing, energy efficiency, and broader energy management functions,
tailored to every size of business.
For major energy users, npower offers multi-utility management consultancy to help
organisations to improve efficiencies right across the procurement/consumption
npower customers include BT, Wembley Stadium plc, AstraZeneca and Sainsbury's.
PR Contact:
Nicholas McHugh
Oak House
1 Bridgewater Road
0845 070 2807

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