Art and Freedom Begins in Europe

Released on: July 12, 2011, 10:25 am
William Kelly
From the beginning of the last century in Europe we have seen
the Finnish civil war, the war in Estonia, Hungary, the Irish civil
war, the civil war in Russia and subsequent invasions of Poland and
Hungary, the Spanish civil war, the Yugoslav, Kosovo, Croatian, Bosnian
wars of attrition and, of course, two world wars. The history of Europe
is awash in blood. As the man says, "if we keep on doing what we are
doing, we will keep on getting what we are getting."
The imperative therefore is to try something different. And the something
different we must try is accessing the communicative power of art to raise
consciousness of our collective culpability in these avoidable disasters.
What is required is nothing less than a revolution in the human psyche,
say the organizers. This is a spiritual battle, make no mistake, where
right-thinking men and women can unite on the basis of empathy and
awareness of our brotherhood as a single species to undo much of the
damage inflicted upon us all by lying injunctions, demented political
leadership, propaganda and belief systems concerning territory and
religion that simply have no longer any place in a modern world striving
towards peace and sanity.
To this end, two men from Vordernberg in Austria, Irishman Desmond Doyle
and his colleague Hannes Misseton have initiated a unique cultural program
called "Art of Reconciliation" as a service to Europe's struggle for
peace. Both men are sworn to help put an end to the bloodbaths of Europe.
They have the full support of many who think like themselves notably Nobel
Peace Laureate John Hume who is an active participant in this venture.
Desmond Doyle has worked for a quarter of a century in Germany and Austria
in the world of culture and politics. As an Irishman he knows what civic
and national conflict is all about; as a life-long student of European
politics he knows that some initiative to put things right is better than
no initiative at all. He and Hannes know profoundly what has to be done.
To find out what exciting projects they have planned for Austria this
September in conjunction with the famous Bogside Artists of Derry,
Northern Ireland, we encourage you to visit their website.
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