Hays And CBI Release Digital Report On Workplace Flexibility And Communication
Released on: July 26, 2011, 3:03 pm
Hays Plc
Industry: Human Resources
Hays and CBI have called on the Government to fundamentally
rethink its approach to employment law in order to bolster workplace
flexibility and foster better employment relations.
Launching its first ever digital report Thinking Positive: the 21st century
employment relationship, produced in collaboration with Hays, the CBI explores how
the employment relationship has changed, becoming even more flexible.
The report includes video interviews with employees and staff on the benefits of
good communication and flexibility, and looks at how this helped minimise private
sector job losses during and post-recession.
Now the CBI says the Government should build on the success of workplace relations
forged during the recession by embedding this flexible approach into future
employment law and in its Employment Law Review. Rather than automatically opting
for legislation, in most cases the Government should specify what it is trying to
achieve and set out suggested processes in more flexible guidance or codes of
practice. With much of the UK's employment law coming from Europe, this approach
should also be applied to EU directives.
So far, the Government has given some welcome signals on reducing regulation and is
looking at ways of improving the tribunals system. But it has also introduced
policies that have reduced flexibility, including abolishing the Default Retirement
Age without addressing the need for employers to have protected conversations about
retirement plans and failing to review the Agency Workers Directive, which has been
gold plated to include extra process costs for employers, not required under
European law.
John Cridland, CBI director-general, said: "Traditionally when making employment
law governments have tried to specify every last detail of what should go on in the
"With a strong base of employment rights already in place, we simply don't need
the state telling us how to manage every aspect of basic human relations.
"The Government should adopt a simpler approach to future employment law, one which
maximises choice for employers and staff and plays up the strengths of our flexible
labour market.
"Good communication helped companies and employees work together to make difficult
changes to working patterns to get through the recession. These lessons are
particularly important now the public sector is facing similar challenges as a
result of measures to cut the deficit."
Commenting on the benefits of greater workplace flexibility for staff, Alistair Cox,
chief executive of Hays plc, added: "Flexibility is a key ingredient in driving
future economic growth in the UK. It is also a key aspect that more and more
professionals look for in their lives and careers, particularly at a time when we
want to encourage employers to invest and create more jobs, despite today's
economic uncertainty."
About Hays:
Hays plc is the leading global specialist recruitment group. It is market leader in
the UK and Australia, and one of the market leaders in Continental Europe. As at 31
December 2010, the Group employed 7,086 staff operating from 257 offices in 30
countries across 17 specialisms. These specialisms cover a range of opportunities
including retail jobs, marketing jobs, IT Jobs and finance jobs.
About CBI:
The CBI is the UK's leading business organisation, speaking for some 240,000
businesses that together employ around a third of the private sector workforce. With
offices across the UK as well as representation in Brussels, Washington, Beijing and
Delhi, the CBI communicates the British business voice around the world.
For further information please contact:
Claire Fowler
Stockley House
130 Wilton Road
020 7259 8821

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