Music Festivals - Good News for Independent Retailers
Released on: July 13, 2011, 4:55 pm
Author: UK Point of Sale
Industry: Retail
In these testing times of ‘austerity packages’ and reports
that disposable income is rapidly dwindling, independent retailers need
to grasp every available opportunity to maintain a healthy trade.
One area of spending that seems to be on the increase, offering an enthusiastic and
relatively captive audience, is the ever expanding line up of music and other
festivals being held around the country during the summer months.
Those small businesses lucky enough to be situated close to a festival site are
being urged to make the most of this surge of visitors by targeting their
advertising and point of sale with special offers and promotions aimed specifically
at festival goers.
Food and drink are particularly popular sellers with local businesses reporting
increases in sales of up to 300% on the first day of festivals followed by a healthy
steady trade for the rest of the duration.
Those retailers who show most imagination by adding to their usual stock with‘festival friendly goods’ such as vegetarian specials, all weather clothing,
wellies, waterproof ponchos etc find there’s a seasonal gold mine waiting to be
mined right on their doorsteps.
Here’s our guide to possible products to sell and how to best catch your festival
goer’s attention:
• Special offers on vegetarian food: Freestanding acrylic signs at the till
• Wellies: Water based pavement signs outside the shop
• Sun creams: Suspended cable displays over the relevant shelves
• Toilet roll/facial wipes: ‘Sold here’ reminders in window mounted snap frames
• Emergency ponchos: A-boards outside the shop
• Glow sticks/garden flares/torches: Pavement swingers
• Disposable cameras: Special offer shelf edge ticket holders
Festivals are big business for small retailers. Make sure you’re not missing out.
Call us on 0161 431 4400 to place your order today.
Contact Details: Debra Jamieson
Sales and Marketing Manager
UK Point of Sale Ltd.
0845 450 38 48

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