ON STAGE AT METROPOLIS BALLROOM OF ARLINGTON HEIGHTS with Edge Chicago - The world's largest GLBT news network and Unity Temple of Oak Park Announce
Released on: July 27, 2011, 4:56 pm
Author: PAMagnuson
Industry: Entertainment,
TICKETS ON SALE NOW… Only 25 tickets sold! http://www.brownpapertickets.com/profile/51573
Friday, September 9th
25 Couples Will Be Joined Together At the Metropolis Ballroom in Arlington Heights, IL using both wedding license & Civil Union license demonstrating love is all that maters! The ceremony will be officiated by Unity Temple UU Congregation Rev. Emily Gage Minister of Faith Development Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation.
With special guest
Chris Medina
Singing "What Are Words" for the Ceremony
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQY4dIxY1H4 Watch Chris's video here
Chris Medina our local American Idol Hero joins his band The Able Body ON STAGE at Metropolis Ballroom in Arlington Heights Sept 9th for a semi-private group wedding event. 25 couples will tie-the-knot in this exclusive formal wedding style event, featuring the American Idol contestant and his band as the entertainment. The day includes everything -wedding rehearsal, a beautiful ceremony, open bar reception, a gourmet meal prepared by the ballroom chef, and wedding cake sculpture from Manetti's Bakery to be shared by the guests, and even the wedding photo by Ian William Photography. Chris will sing his famous love song " What Are Words" during the ceremony and sign each couple ' s license as a witness.
Couples are ablr to buy a ticket for a table of 10 people, which is including the wedding couple for a total cost of $2,800 Plus Tax. Each couple is asked to pay $800 down buy purchasing a reservation certificate printable at checkout on Brown Paper Ticket or calling the 24/7 Ticket Hotline: 1-800-838-3006 Balance due $2,000 with-in 30 days.

Each couple will receive $100 gift certificate to http://MannetisBakery.com and the personal attention of the ballroom' s Director of Bridal and VIP Events - Michael Raymond, Plus, a digital wedding announcement for the couple to personalize on their home computer.
Be one of only 25 couples to have Chris Medina sing THEIR SONG! Civil Union or Wedding License, in perfect love there is no difference. Make your reservation TODAY for this memorable event of a life time.
Rev. Emily Gage is the Minister of Faith Development at Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Oak Park, Illinois. She received her Masters of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School in 1997, when she was also ordained. Since then, she has officiated at a number of weddings, some of them same-sex. The Unitarian Universalist Association has affirmed the legality of same-sex marriage since 1996, and has publicly affirmed the rights of gay and lesbian people since 1970.
Unity Temple UU Congregation preaches a message of love, affirms the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and works to make the world a better place. Through the time and resources of their members, Unity Temple supports a number of different community organizations, including West Suburban PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter), Oak Park/River Forest Area Walk-in Ministry, and Faith in Place. http://unitytemple.org/
Unity Temple UU congregation ' s home is Unity Temple , an historic building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The Unity Temple Restoration Foundation, also housed in Unity Temple , works to restore and preserve the building, as well as educate and bring awareness to this architectural masterpiece. http://www.utrf.org/
24/7 Ticket Hotline: 1-800-838-3006
Press Invitation Contact the promoter for a press pass (847) 873-7463
Press Check: PAMagnuson PMagnuson@MetropolisBallroom.com C: (773) 307-2128 O: (847) 873-7463 Ballroom: (847) 870-8787
Representative for Chris Medina Dave Alyinovich 773-859-1454 theablebody@yahoo.com http://www.facebook.com/TheAbleBody
EDGE on the NET The world's largest GLBT news network edgechicago.com www.edgeonthenet.com "Lou Marino Edge 617-422-0707" lmarino@edgemedianetwork.com

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