Research Now Ltd Donates To Help The Japanese Tsunami Relief Efforts

Released on: July 07, 2011, 4:46 pm
Research Now Ltd
Non Profit
Research Now Ltd has announced that together with Valued
Opinions panellists from across the globe, it has raised £12,400 for
the Jap anise Tsunami/Earthquake relief effort.
In March 2011, Japan was hit by a shattering, magnitude 9.0 earthquake. The tremor,
which occurred 20 miles underwater, triggered a huge tsunami that swept across the
eastern coast of Japan, destroying everything in its path and killing over 15,000
Joining in the generous global response, Research Now Ltd, owners of the Valued
Opinions' panels, made an initial donation of £3000. Throughout April, Research Now
Ltd offered members of its UK opinion panels, along with those from the US, Australia,
Canada and Japan panels, the opportunity to convert their Valued Opinions rewards
into cash donations to The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies, a charity supporting Japan's recovery. Big-hearted donors gave up
shopping rewards for vital contributions to the relief efforts in a country that is
still staggering from the impact of this disaster 3 months on. The initiative saw
Valued Opinions' members raise an impressive £9,400 throughout the 4 week campaign,
which was then added to Research Now's contribution of £3,000.
These donations have has been invaluable in propping up the work of the Japanese Red
Cross Society as it provides vast-scale medical assistance, water and sanitation and
psycho-social programming. The charity reports that, as well as running the only
functioning Hospital in the Miyagi prefecture and vital first-aid stations in
Kamaishi, it has used the funds to help mobilise 677 medical teams, which have
already treated 63,567 patients. Addressing the huge mental trauma facing survivors,
the charity has also established psychological support centres in two prefectures,
deploying 300 staff who have benefitted over 6,000 people to date.**
A recent Valued Opinions online survey found that the most popular way for the
British respondents to give is through sponsoring someone to participate in a
fundraising event (19%), followed by making monthly cash or direct debit donations
to charity (13%) and donating to charity via a street worker (11%). Overall, an
impressive total of 51% of the British respondents choose to support charities
financially, whether donating through charity websites, street workers, monthly
donations or sponsorship.
In April 2011, Valued Opinions UK panellists' generosity has helped to bring relief
to a desperate situation. Regarding the Valued Opinions Tsunami Campaign, Research
Now's vice president, panel marketing and CRM, Thomas Lapperger commented: "I'm
very proud to be involved in a series of campaigns that see Valued Opinions and our
members working together to contribute towards worthy causes. Earning credits
through online surveys UK participation and
then claiming vouchers is a rewarding experience. Donating those credits instead to
the Red Cross, who are helping Japan recover following the devastating tsunami,
provides for a deeper and more meaningful rewarding experience. I would like to
thank all members of Valued Opinions UK, USA, Canada, Australia and Japan for their
participation in surveys. In particular, my gratitude goes to those who donated
generously to the Valued Opinions Tsunami campaign."
Notes to Editors:
* According to the NPA website.
** From newsletter sent to Valued Opinion Panellists by Japanese Red Cross Society
About Valued Opinions:
Valued Opinions is an online market research platform where members have the
opportunity to earn rewards by participating in online surveys and online polls. Through various partnerships
with popular retailers such as, Tesco and HMV, Valued Opinions provides
its members with attractive rewards in exchange for completing paid online surveys.
Made up of more than 2 million members globally, the Valued Opinions opinion panel
opinions from a large database of consumers.
PR Contact:
Sebastien Van Schalkwyk
Loyalty Marketing Manager
1st Floor
Elizabeth House
39 York Road
0207 921 2562

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