French & Spanish #1
Released on: August 04, 2011, 11:32 am
Human Resources
London, UK August 4th th 2011, Europe's Number 1 Specialist Provider of Spanish speaking jobs and French speaking jobs provides data about what people are looking for.
Aytac Irfan of TopLanguageJobs commented:
It's not out of line with tradition, but we have seen the top two languages search for on our site increase to almost double over the last month.
In July '11 Top Language Jobs saw a spike in Spanish and French speaking jobs on their site. Traditionally Spanish and French speaking jobs are the most sought after for bilingual language speaking professionals in Europe, but this month there has been a dramatic increase.
More and more people are looking for these sorts of jobs in UK and Europe . This may be due to the rise of the Economic monetary union as a whole, but may just be a seasonal trend such as when UK workers go on holiday or take breaks during late July and early August.
The third most searched for language was Italian.
Next month we expect to see more of the same, but with more of a rise in Italian speaking jobs due to a higher volume of jobs being published for Italian language job seekers throughout Europe.
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Top Language Jobs, Europe 's No. 1 specialist language recruitment job portal.
We operate the largest European network of bilingual jobs & multilingual jobs websites and have 1000's of bilingual jobs available online from leading language recruitment agencies & employers in London, UK & Europe.
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