Most Sustainable Product Award for Co-operative Fishcakes
Released on: August 01, 2011, 12:03 pm
The Co-operative Magazine
Food & Beverage
The Co-operative has scooped the “Best Sustainable Product”
award at the SuperMeat & Fish awards for the second year running.
The SuperMeat & Fish awards aim to reward excellence in supermarket retailing of
meat and fish - at both store level and in manufacturing.
This year, the accolade was awarded to The Co-operative for its premium Truly
Irresistible Cod & Minted Pea Fishcakes. Firmly aimed at the indulgence sector, the
fishcakes are a rich blend of naturally smoked cod, white cod, British mashed potato
and Jersey cream, surrounding a minted mushy pea sauce centre and coated in a crispy
and crunchy breadcrumb.
In keeping with The Co-operative's highly developed sustainability credentials, the
cod is line-caught from a responsibly fished source and is naturally smoked in
Scotland to ensure the finest quality.
The Co-operative’s Responsible Fish Sourcing Policy, launched in 2008, is a unique
method of assessing the sourcing of fish, and was developed by The Co-operative
along with its partner suppliers and leading NGO’s, taking into account both
environmental and ecological issues. It applies to all Co-operative own-brand fish,
including canned and frozen, products containing fish and even sandwiches.
Readers of The Co-operative Magazine can also make their own delicious gourmet tuna fishcakes at home, following one of the many simple, quick and healthy recipes published in the Food and Drink section online.
The Co-operative has long been associated with the Fairtrade movement, with
responsible retailing, ethical living and much more, and as well as this award, the
implementation of its Elmwood standard across its range of own-brand fresh pork and
sausages earned it the accolade of Most Improved Supermarket, as voted for at the
Welfare Awards 2011.
The Co-operative also won a Good Dairy Award in recognition of its good work
supporting British workers to date, and of its pledge to join a milk producer scheme
in August.
For more information please contact:
Jeanette Franks
Editor – Online magazine
0161 827 5692

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