co-operative Xest Says Essential Regular Exercise Is Accessible To All

Released on: August 31, 2011, 10:20 am
Author: co-operative Xest
Consumer Services
Following a recent report by health experts stating that even
just 15 minutes of exercise a day can significantly improve your
wellbeing and life expectancy, co-operative Xest has spoken out to
remind people that exercise is possible for people of all abilities and
The results of research published by medical journal The Lancet, which reviewed the
activities, behaviours and health of more than 400,000 people in Taiwan, revealed
that 90 minutes of moderate exercise per week can help people to live for three
years longer.
Similar data in the British Journal Of Sports Medicine hinted that a lazy lifestyle,
including six hours a day sitting motionless in front of the television, can reduce
life expectancy by five years.
It is therefore important for people to incorporate exercise into their daily
routine wherever and whenever possible – even if it is during that time spent
watching television. It is especially vital that those with limited mobility take
note of this, as such exercises can also improve problems with circulation and
related conditions.
co-operative Xest Managing Director, Andrea Dipple said: “There are numerous
exercises that can be done while sitting down, using equipment such as a Seated Pedal Exerciser. This allows the user to secure their feet into pedals and
rotate in a cycling action, with variable resistance. Minimal assembly is required
and it is easy to move around into convenient places.
“For those at risk or suffering from circulation problems, we recommend the Deep Vein Thrombosis Airogym Exerciser, which has a simple design created by an
airline captain for use during long flights. It consists of two air compartments
which can be inflated orally and can be used to exercise the calf muscles.”
According to updated advice offered by the UK government, a couple of 10-minute
sessions of this kind of activity per day – or a 30-minute session on five days each
week – could have a very positive impact on a person’s health. It may also gradually
encourage them to be more daring with their exercise regime and build it up as they
become stronger.
co-operative Xest also supplies shower seats for those with mobility difficulties, alongside a wide range of other
products designed for people who want to make their everyday lives easier.
Notes to the Editors:
For more information, images and product samples please contact:
Lisa Axworthy 01730 711039
Marcus Forsey 01730 711036
About co-operative Xest
Co-operative Xest is a co-operative business; they can be trusted to do the right
thing by customers, as customers ultimately own the business.
Co-operative Xest has a mission, they want to:
• Enable customers to live independent, dignified, more fulfilled and enriched lives.
• Change the way people shop for clever products that make life easier.
Co-operative Xest has pledged to do the following:
• Offer a 12 month buy and try guarantee.
• Provide clear and full information about their products including customer benefits.
• Use pictures that show you what the products are like in every day life.
• Provide products that offer great value for money.
• Keep the cost of delivery to a minimum.
• Provide rapid service.
The Southern Co-operative, the parent company of co-operative Xest, is an
independent co-operative society founded in 1873, with over 3,000 employees, 70,000
members and over 150 outlets primarily in food retailing.
As a mutual business we believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social
responsibility and caring for others. Co-operative Xest offer a discreet easy living
range with no compromise on design and quality.

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