COSMETIC STAR SIGNS: Are You More Likely To Have Cosmetic Treatments As A Result Of Your Star Sign?
Released on: September 07, 2011, 4:59 pm
The Harley Medical Group
Industry: Healthcare
Leading UK Psychic Rosa Derriviere has looked into the reasons
behind why some men and women are more open to the idea of cosmetic
treatments than others, to see whether star signs play a part. Rosa has
been practising for over 20 years and has appeared on SKY TV.
Rosa Derriviere says: “In my view, Librans and Taureans are most likely to have
cosmetic treatments, as these signs are ruled by Venus, the Goddess of love and
beauty. Astrologically, Venus is associated with harmony, beauty and balance, so
these signs would have a natural disposition to wanting to look and feel beautiful.
“I have also taken a look into the areas of the body star signs govern, resulting in
a focus on that particular body part. For example Cancer governs the breast, so
therefore Cancer will be most interested in breast surgery. Similarly, Aries governs
the face and nose, so Aries are more likely to be interested in facial treatments.
“I wanted to share my findings with The Harley Medical Group to see if there was
correlation between my predictions and patient bookings, as well as celebrity-led
cosmetic trends.”
Mr Frati, Surgeon at The Harley Medical Group, comments on Rosa’s predictions: “We’ve had a look at bookings of Surgical and Non Surgical treatments over the last three months at The Harley Medical Group and interestingly have found that 43% were from people born in April, May, September and October – so the months covering Librans and Taureans. The most popular treatments booked over the past three months are Breast Augmentation, Botox and Dermal Fillers, with 18% of Breast Augmentations booked by Cancereans.
There are many celebrity Librans that have had cosmetic treatments, including Simon
Cowell, Michael Douglas, Kim Kardashian, Catherine Zeta Jones, Danni Minogue and
Sharon Osbourne. There are also Taurean celebrities that have had treatments,
including Janet Jackson, Michelle Pfeiffer and Cher.
This suggests people’s careers might also have an influence on their decision to
have treatment. Those who work in the public eye are regularly photographed, so
might want to look and feel their best at all times. Celebrities also tend to work
quite erratic hours, which can disturb sleeping and eating patterns, and play havoc
with your skin. Skin peels, Botox and dermal fillers all help towards rejuvenating the skin and giving it a more
youthful appearance.
“Although it’s interesting to look into how people might be pre-disposed to
considering cosmetic treatments, it is important to remember that the decision to
have surgery is not frivolously made. Most of our patients consider the option for
two years before making a decision. There are many factors, such as confidence
issues, hereditary elements and injuries that can influence a patient’s decision to
have surgery.”
Simon Cowell - Libra - Botox
Michael Douglas - Libra - Face lift, Abdominoplasty, Liposuction
Janet Jackson - Taurus - Rhinoplasty
Catherine Zeta Jones - Libra - Botox
Pamela Anderson - Cancer - Breast Augmentation
Mariah Carey - Aries - Botox
Kim Kardashian - Libra - Botox
The Harley Medical Group is the UK and Ireland’s largest cosmetic surgery provider,
performing more procedures and with more clinics than any other cosmetic surgery
group. It has been established since 1983 and is one of the most highly-regarded
Cosmetic Surgery Groups operating in the UK. It has treated over 500,000 patients to
The Harley Medical Group works tirelessly to maintain the highest standards in the
industry for the benefits all cosmetic surgery and non-surgical patients. We are
currently at the forefront of the campaign to ensure that the Government continues
to regulate the use of certain laser types used in cosmetic surgery and non-surgical
treatments so that patients are protected from rogue practitioners.
In 2004, The Harley Medical Group’s Chairman Mel Braham, at the request of the
Department of Health became a member of the department’s Steering Committee, set up
to oversee the introduction of new regulations covering the entire Cosmetic Surgery
sector. All of The Harley Medical Group’s clinics are registered with the Care
Quality Commission. There are now 31 clinics in the UK and Ireland: London (Harley
Street, Wimbledon, The City, Chiswick, Finchley & Watford), Marlow, Birmingham,
Leeds, Brighton, Bristol, Manchester, Newcastle, Chester, Nottingham, Southampton,
Cardiff, Chelmsford, Dublin, Northampton, Cambridge, Maidstone, Belfast, Reading,
Sheffield, Liverpool, Bromley, Glasgow, Cheltenham, Leicester and Guildford.
The Harley Medical Group is renowned for introducing and pioneering most new
surgical and non-surgical techniques to the UK and Irish markets, such as Aesthera
PPx, Laser Hair Removal, Cool Touch, and Silk Touch Lasers, Collagen for lines and
wrinkles, Laser for snoring, Tumescent Liposuction, LPG cellulite treatment etc.
All new treatments and techniques are first thoroughly researched and tested before
they are submitted for approval by the Group’s Medical Advisory Board.
Imogen Fry or Monique Cockerill Rain Communications UK - 020 7828 0118 or

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