Email Archiving System Designer Highlights FSA Mobile Recording Solutions

Released on: September 21, 2011, 5:00 pm
Robin Bingeman
LONDON, UK - Every business from international banks to single
trading desks are working on finding a solution that will comply with
the new FSA mobile communications recording mandate.
The new regulations will require all companies that participate in the country's
capital markets to record the mobile communications of all their employees who are
involved in trading. This regulation includes voice calls, SMS and Instant Messages.
"In the marketplace, variations in cost, capability and deployability exist," said
Robin Bingeman of Cryoserver, an email archiving system specializing in email storage and email servers. "Companies should evaluate suppliers carefully to ensure the technology they implement is compliant and user-friendly."
Older solutions that complied with the 2008 FSA landline recording mandate required
huge upfront costs and high per call charges. With the SIM-based solution companies
simply replace the SIM in their phones and transfer their contacts - thats it, for
one price.
Calls do not lag in connection time and there is no obtrusive third-party listening
in. All inbound and outbound calls are recorded over the wireless network and
archives in real-time. Like an email archiving solution, the SIM allows users to access archived recordings quickly.
A Software application is placed on each mobile device and then routed to an existing server used for landline calls. Or, another option is to deliver the solution as a service, whereby a third party is "conferenced" into the call for recording.
Both options in this solution rely on the mobile client to be constantly updated. As
the updates on the operating systems progress, users may be required to update or
change their mobile client.
While it is important for businesses understand the drawbacks of each solution, it
is more important that they be prepared to show how the service is tamper proof.
With CryoSIM, from the developers of Cryoserver, there is a tamper resistant
assurance, adds Bingeman.
Learn More
To learn more about Cryoserver, visit or call toll-free (866) 311-1652 in the U.S. or 44(0)800 280 0525 in Europe.
About Cryoserver
Based in London, England, Forensic & Compliance Systems Ltd., the makers of the Cryoserver email archiving appliance, work with various global partners and resellers in a number of markets worldwide. With clients in more than 20 countries, the Cryoserver forensic compliance system is the world's leading compliance solution for email and other electronic data.
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Contact Details: Forensic & Compliance Systems
107-111 Fleet Street
London EC4A 2AB
T: +44 (0) 800 280 0525
F: +44 (0) 870 928 9660

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