Sports Stars Get Behind The Co-Operative's Commitment To Governments Pledge To Get Kids Active
Released on: September 26, 2011, 5:01 pm
Dave Smith
The Co-operative Group today launched a pledge to back the Government’s Public Health ‘Responsibility Deal’ to encourage more people to become more physically active. The Co-operative, which is already committed to inspiring young people to lead an active lifestyle, launched a pledge with its partner Activate Sport – the
UK’s leading sports and activity camps for children – committing, by
2012, to:
• reach 20,000 through sports camps;
• double the number of camps to 500 across the UK.
To launch the pledge, golfer Lee Westwood and dancer Brendan Cole, whose specialist
Academies are supported by The Co-operative, teamed up to give youngsters lessons in dance and golf, as well as swapping some professional tips with each other on
the course at Rye Hill Golf Club, Banbury.
Other sporting stars backing the pledge include former England cricketer Andrew
Flintoff, tennis star Annabel Croft, Welsh rugby player Shane Williams, England’s
Rugby World Cup winner Matt Dawson and GB Hockey player and Olympic hopeful Crista
Cullen - all of whom will be working with The Co-operative to achieve this pledge
through their specialist Academies.
Simon Burns, Minister of State for Health and Co-Chair of the Responsibility Deal
Physical Activity Network welcomed the new individual pledge on behalf of The
Co-operative and Activate Sport.
He said: “This pledge on behalf of The Co-operative and Activate Sport is a great
example of a major retailer working in partnership to promote a range of sport and
physical activity opportunities for children and young people. This is particularly
important for those children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who
often face a range of barriers to participate regularly in sport and physical
activity. Through the Public Health Responsibility Deal, I am particularly pleased
to see The Co-operative and Activate Sport pledging to reach 20,000 children and
young people in 2012 – an increase of 25 per cent and hugely important in the year
in which London will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The potential long-term
benefits are huge and extend well beyond health to improved self-confidence and
better social interaction.”
Fred Turok, Co-Chair of the Responsibility Deal, Physical Activity Network, said, “I
am delighted that The Co-operative has moved so quickly in setting the standard for
business by making a core commitment to the health of the nation, giving
opportunities to young people to increase their physical activity levels through
their partnership with Activate Sport. It is crucial that we improve the nation’s
health through physical activity and embed exercise into the DNA of business and the
community. I urge other businesses to follow this example and begin to think about
their own commitments and role in improving the health of the nation.”
Lee Westwood commented, “I’m passionate about seeing as many young people active and
outside as possible, and through my Academy, I’m happy to be part of this pledge to
help create these opportunities. To achieve this though, sport needs to be made
accessible so increasing the number of camps, is a positive step towards changing
the lifestyle of people in the UK. I will also be helping The Activate Sport
Foundation and The Co-operative take golf into state schools across the UK, in a
task to opening up the game to everyone.”
Brendan Cole, who has set up his own Dance Academy, has also committed to The
Co-operative’s pledge to get people active. He said, “Dance can really help build a
child's confidence whilst getting them healthy and active; it's a great way to
work off some energy, particularly for those who aren't into traditional sports.
It’s also not just for girls – boys can get so much out of it too. I’m delighted to
be able to help with the pledge to get more people active and I hope I can help
inspire people through dance.”
Peter Marks, Group Chief Executive of The Co-operative Group, commented: “The
Co-operative recognises the role it has to play in promoting public health, and we
are committed to working in partnership with the Government through the Public
Health Responsibility Deal. The pledge we are making in partnership with Activate
Sport is part of our broader commitment to the Responsibility Deal, and will
encourage young people to lead a more active and healthy lifestyle. The
pledge is also part of our wider commitment to inspiring young people - locally and
globally - with thousands of initiatives encouraging young people to help change the
world around them.”
For further information on The Co-operative and Activate Sport pledge go to
Contact Information:
Maryann Stevens: / 0845 241 8111
Stewart Day: / 0845 241 8111
Editor’s Notes
Core Commitment
We will encourage and assist people to become more physically active
In 2012, The Co-operative and Activate Sport aim to reach 20,000 young people across
34 counties and 100 towns by:
• doubling the number of sports camps giving away thousands of free places making
sport accessible to all
The Co-operative & Activate Sport
The Co-operative began a partnership with Activate Sport in 2008 – the leading
provider of sports, activities and adventure day camps for children with some of the
best facilities throughout the UK.
The Co-operative and Activate Sport both believe that sport has the capacity to
inspire children to change their lives for the better. The partnership is closely
aligned with The Co-operative’s values and our commitments to inspiring young people
and making improvements at the heart of communities across the UK.
The initiative reaches out to communities across the country with camps in more than
100 towns and 34 counties with the number growing year on year.
The Co-operative gives away thousands of free places each year to provide children
with the chance to attend the camps or specialist Academies of high profile sports
stars including:
Andrew Flintoff Cricket Academy
Lee Westwood Golf Academy
Matt Dawson Rugby Academy
Shane Williams Rugby Academy
Annabel Croft Tennis Academy
Hockey Masterclass
International Netball Roadshow
Public Health Responsibility Deal
What we eat, how much we drink and how active we are is heavily shaped by our
environment. Creating the right environment can encourage and empower people to
take responsibility for their health and make healthy choices.
Launched on 15 March 2011, the Public Health Responsibility Deal has been
established to tap into the potential for businesses and other organisations to
improve public health and tackle health inequalities through their influence over
food, alcohol, physical activity and health in the workplace.
Partners signing up to the Responsibility Deal have committed to take action to
improve public health. This action is expressed as a series of pledges covering
food, alcohol, physical activity and health at work. These pledges are not intended
to replace Government action. The Government will continue to develop national
policy, define priorities and communicate public health messages.
The Responsibility Deal is made up of core commitments and supporting pledges which
define the scope, purpose and high-level ambitions of the Deal, along with its
operating principles and processes. While the collective and individual pledges set
out the specific actions that partners will take to support delivery of the core
Further information on the Public Health Responsibility Deal, the pledges and the
partners that have signed up to the Deal can be found here:
For more information please contact:
Dave Smith
Public Relations Manager Corporate
Tel: 0161 827 5614
Mobile: 07702 152 771

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