Released on: October 7, 2011, 4:20 pm
Author: New Occult Review
Demonology101, the new book by K.W.Kesler will open your eyes
to what the bible, the churches and more importantly even, what the
Satanist never told you! It is much, much more than a basic guide to
Demonology, but it explores how it began, where and what direction it
is headed, plus a list of known demons, that would make the character“Giles” from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” extremely proud of including
descriptions of physical appearances and what they do, and who they
like to effect. It also provides access to information such as
banishment if a reader happens to have attracted a demon; it is
available through or on Tuesday, October 11th
(Just in time for Halloween). The Author, K.W.Kesler was born in Ohio,
has obtained degrees and certificates in Broadcasting, Communications,
Parapsychology and Metaphysics, and he has worked for a variety of
institutions and museums. He is known for his work in de-bunking a wide
assortment of paranormal incidents and claims "common sense always is
the best resolution to help in doing so." He currently lives with his
wife and daughter in Central Ohio and passes time by investigating
paranormal incidents around the State and Country.
Contact Details: 6974 Britwell Lane
Reynoldsburg, Ohio