Be More Aware Of Winter Driving Hazards, Warns Solicitor
Released on: November 04, 2011, 6:26 pm
Victoria Leah
The numerous crashes earlier this week on the regions motorways has prompted a local personal injury claims solicitor to remind motorists that extra care is needed throughout the long winter days and nights.
“Throughout the autumn and winter months, the weather conditions, darker days and nights, spark a hike in the number of road traffic accidents throughout the UK," said Mr Cuerden of PHC Law Ltd.
And he said that a "frightening" rise in personal injury claims is usually seen at this time of year, due to a variety of causes, including speeding, drink-driving, and driving carelessly.
Mr Cuerden said: "I would urge all drivers to slow down, abide by the law and stick to the speed limits on the side streets, in residential areas, as well as on main roads and motorways.
“Check your blind spots and always be aware of other road users around you, especially motorcyclists, pedestrians, the elderly and young children.
“Make sure you are alert at all times while driving, and take a break if at any point you feel tired. Don't get behind the if you have had a drink too many. Drive carefully and consider other road users around you.
“It is easy to make assumptions that ‘it won't happen to me'. Even the most experienced of motorists can become complacent.
“Drive carefully, and ensure you take care of your own well-being as well as for others.”
Mr Cuerden is the owner of PHC Law personal injury solicitors, based in Preston, Lancashire.
If you have been injured in a road traffic accident and would like more information about how Mr Cuerden and his team can help, visit or call 0800 612 7 612.
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PHC Law is a personal injury solicitors based in Preston specialising in areas including accident at work claims and road accident claims on a no win no fee basis. If you would like further information about this topic, need a consultation or would like to arrange an interview with PHC Law, please call Victoria Leah at 01772 203303 or e-mail
Contact Details: PHC Law
Philip H Cuerden Solicitors 107 Garstang Road
Preston Lancashire, PR1 1LD

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