Dare To Bare – Confidence Is The Number One Reason Irish Women Cite For Having Cosmetic Surgery
Released on: November 03, 2011, 4:35 am
Jennie Cotter
The Harley Medical Group can confirm that confidence is the number one reason people
cite as the reason for having a surgical procedure. People want to wear and bare but
confidence is the key internal emotion that manifests in our behaviour.
Speaking about this Liz Dale, director of The Harley Medical Group said: “We see a
large number of clients every day when asked why the client wants to have a
procedure done the number one reason cited is confidence.
“When we are not confident/happy about certain elements of our physical features
(and women win hands down in this area), we tend to ‘cover up’ with make-up,
clothing or we become hermits. When we are happy we let the whole world see!
“However there are lots of myths around cosmetic surgery. 95% of people only have
one procedure that they have been thinking about for several years.”
The following are 8 common myths about cosmetic surgery:
MYTH: Having cosmetic surgery is like redecorating your house, once you’ve done one
room, you move onto the next i.e. once you’ve had a nose job for example, you’ll
have breast enlargement surgery next.
FACT: 95% of patients will only have one procedure that they’ve been thinking about
for several years. It’s a confidence thing with many people.
MYTH: Women who have boob jobs want to look like Jordan.
FACT: Most women only go up by one or two cup sizes and the average size is a C cup.
Women also now want a more natural look and so opt for a tear-drop shaped breast
implant rather than the traditional round high contour.
MYTH: Cosmetic surgery is now so commonplace; most people view it as a beauty
treatment and book it in for the next week.
FACT: Research shows that on average patients think about their surgery for two to
three years.
MYTH: More men are now having cosmetic surgery than women!
FACT: There’s been a huge growth in men having surgery, but they still only make up
20% of patients, according to The Harley Medical Group.
MYTH: If you’re standing in the supermarket queue, chances are someone in that queue
has had cosmetic surgery of some sort.
FACT: Only about 5% of the population has had surgery.*
MYTH: Most people go abroad for surgery because it’s cheaper.
FACT: Many people feel uncomfortable about travelling so far away from home when
having a major operation and feel it’s more risky.
MYTH: You’ll only meet sales people when you go to a big cosmetic surgery provider.
FACT: Reputable providers only use medically trained staff. Patients should always
meet with a medically trained professional nurse counsellor to discuss their
procedure and will always meet their surgeon before the operation.
MYTH: The cosmetic surgery industry will be one of the first things to be hit by a
credit crunch as it’s a vanity led industry and not essential.
FACT: Most patients think about and plan for their surgery for many years they’re
then unlikely to want to put it off and instead consider it an investment.
The Harley Medical Group is currently reporting a 35% increase in demand for
cosmetic surgery, defying the credit crunch.
More Facts About Cosmetic Surgery:
All research and data comes from The Harley Medical Group unless otherwise stated.
The Harley Medical Group’s Top Procedures for Men & Women in 2010
Top Surgical Procedures for Women:
1. Breast Augmentation (costs from €6110)
2. Liposuction (Costs from €3730)
3. Rhinoplasty (costs from €5520- €7040)
4. Abdominoplasty (costs from €7740)
Top Surgical Procedures for Men:
1. Rhinoplasty (costs from €5520- €7040)
2. Liposuction (costs from €3730)
3. Gynaecomastia (costs from €6670))
4. Otoplasty (costs from €3760)
For more information on The Harley Medical Group and the treatments they offer, or
to organise a consultation, please call 1850 24 24 42 or visit online at www.theharleymedicalgroup.ie.
Become a fan of The Harley Medical Group’s Facebook page –
facebook.com/theharleymedicalgroup and follow @HarleyMedical on Twitter to enjoy
discount coupons, chances to win great prizes and much more.
The Harley Medical Group is Irelands leading cosmetic surgery provider, providing
excellence in cosmetic surgery to Irish patients since 1999. It has been established
for over 25 years and is one of the most highly-regarded Cosmetic Surgery Groups
operating in Ireland and the UK. It has treated over 500,000 patients to date.
The Harley Medical Group works tirelessly to maintain the highest standards in the
industry for the benefits all cosmetic surgery and non surgical patients. We are
currently at the forefront of the campaign to ensure that the Government continues
to regulate the use of certain laser types used in cosmetic surgery and non surgical
treatments so that patients are protected from rogue practitioners.
In 2004, The Harley Medical Group’s Chairman Mel Braham, at the request of the
Department of Health became a member of the department’s Steering Committee, set up
to oversee the introduction of new regulations covering the entire Cosmetic Surgery
sector. All of The Harley Medical Group’s clinics are registered with the
Healthcare Commission. There are now 31 clinics in the UK and Ireland: London
(Harley Street, Wimbledon, The City, Chiswick, Finchley & Watford), Marlow,
Birmingham, Leeds, Leicester, Brighton, Bristol, Bromley, Manchester, Newcastle,
Chester, Nottingham, Southampton, Cardiff, Chelmsford, Cheltenham, Dublin,
Northampton, Cambridge, Maidstone, Belfast, Reading, Liverpool, Guilford, Glasgow
and Sheffield.
The Harley Medical Group is renowned for introducing and pioneering most new
surgical and non surgical techniques to the UK and Irish markets, such as Aesthera
PPx, Laser Hair Removal, Cool Touch Laser, Silk Touch Laser, Collagen for lines and
wrinkles, Laser for snoring, Tumescent Liposuction, LPG cellulite treatment etc.
All new treatments and techniques are first thoroughly researched and tested before
they are submitted for approval by the Group’s Medical Advisory Committee, as being
suitable for application by the Group’s fully trained and specialized Plastic
Surgeons, Doctors and Treatment Nurses.
For further press information or spokesperson interviews please contact:
Sharon Plunkett or Jennie Cotter at
Plunkett Communications
62B York Road,
Dun Laoghaire,
Co. Dublin.
Tel: 01 280 7873 / 086 818 7933
E-mail: jennie@plunkettcommunications.com

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