OutsourceMyProject Gives Its Backing To National Freelancers Day
Released on: November 22, 2011, 12:34 pm
Outsource My Project
Internet & Online
OutsourceMyProject.com, the UK's leading outsourcing
marketplace, has given its support to National Freelancers Day which
takes place tomorrow (23).
The event, which is being held for the third year running, is designed to celebrate
the strength of the freelance sector in the UK and promote the use of freelancers by
companies of all sizes, specifically with regard to how they can help businesses
through the current tough financial environment.
National Freelancers Day has been organised by PCG, a group which champions
freelancers, contractors and consultants across Britain. To celebrate the event, PCG
has organised for a number of webinars to take place throughout the day aimed at
helping experienced and novice freelancers alike. Setting up an effective business
framework, finding and winning work, self-promotion and understanding opportunities
and threats are all topics that will come under the microscope.
Loren Holland, managing director of OutsourceMyProject, said: "Highlighting the
role that independent workers play within the UK economy is a great thing and the
more that can be done to promote the work of specialists such as freelance web designers the better.
"Experience running OutsourceMyProject has shown us that
more and more companies are recognising the benefits of working with freelancers,
especially in the current financial climate when having access a wide range of skill
sets without having to shoulder the cost of employing specialists on a full-time
basis can really make a huge difference."
Events are being organised to celebrate the day and promote freelancing around the
UK and OutsourceMyProject has called on those working independently to get involved,
share their experiences of freelancing and help to make the community stronger.
Loren added: "We'd urge all freelancers, whether they've been involved in the
sector for five minutes or 50 years to take part in National Freelancers Day and if
possible, attend an event in their area."
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About OutsourceMyProject.com:
Established in 2011, OutsourceMyProject aims to bring together providers of
professional services with organisations and individuals looking to outsource
business functions or projects. Following the company's launch more than 2,000
suppliers including legal specialists, freelance content writers and mobile developers have registered with OutsourceMyProject.com to bid for over £1.3m worth of projects posted by UK businesses.
OutsourceMyProject.com is a member of the National Outsourcing Association (NOA),
the UK’s outsourcing centre of excellence.
For press enquiries please contact:
Loren Holland
Managing Director
Email: lholland@outsourcemyproject.com
Tel: 07999 799 799

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