Released on: December 19, 2011, 8:25 am
Author: Tokyo finacial news
Industry: Financial
TOMEX, one of the world’s leading trading companies has recently launched a new direct spread contract that will allow its members to manage the difference between spot contracts. This new contract will give members of Tokyo Mercantile Exchange more options when it comes to trading, which is also in direct response to their unified requests.
This gives both industrial and financial institutions another method to hedge the liquidity in the spot markets. Doing a direct spread contract is simple as you make one singular trade which is then automatically divided into a singular trade and a single delivery. On the other hand, even if two separate trades are physically created a trader or member will only be paying for the difference between the two contracts.
Jefferson Harold, CEO of Tokyo Mercantile TOMEX recently said, “This new and improved contract was created as a direct answer to the requests of our clients and members for more financial products. On the plus side, it also serves as an additional way to help other companies make full use of their asset management.” This will further expand its suite of investor relations and intelligence services for advisory companies and their individual and institutional clients.
The new contracts will offer for companies trading on behalf of institutional clients on Tokyo Mercantile Exchange access to an bundle of individually-packaged intelligence services powered websites and other sophisticated tools. The recent announcement is a branch of the TOMEX’s access centres for the market’s most comprehensive investor relations, as well as market intelligence service for companies trading on TOMEX.
These arrangements are an indication of our client focus and dedication to give top services for our trading companies,” said Tokubey Ito, Vice President of Tokyo Mercantile Exchane.“We are pleased that TOMEX, one of the world’s leading TOMEX groups, has decided to work with us in its continued support of TOMEX-listed companies,” said Mark Kevins, the President and COO of INTELLIGENCE SERVICES COMPANY. “We are very confident that through this partnership, in addition to the TOMEX access centre, TOMEX-listed firms will receive a level of market insight never before available.”
“Especially in this current state of the economy, professionals need intelligent information, strong analytics and advanced tools that provide greater transparency into the evolving markets. We are more than happy to give TOMEX trading companies with the answers they need to effectively manage investors”, completed Mr. Ito.
Contact Details: Tokyo Mercantile Exchange
Shinjuku Building, 1-3-3 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan