Tips For Keeping Your Sobriety In Check Through The Holidays
Released on: December 26, 2011, 6:54 am
Mountainside Drug Rehab
Industry: Healthcare
CONNECTICUT- Throughout the holidays, the pressures of the season along with the general festive atmosphere can be reasons why those in recovery succumb to consuming alcohol. But, there are alternatives, as given in the Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center 's Holiday Survival Series that offers guidance on how to maintain your sobriety or help others to maintain their sobriety throughout the holiday season.
Stay away from situations that put your sobriety at risk. There's an old adage that says, “If you keep going to the barber shop, you are bound to get a hair cut.” By putting yourself into an environment where there the alcohol is flowing steadily, you increase the chance of having “just one drink”. But, there's no such thing as “just one drink”, as anyone struggling with alcoholism will tell you. Keep it simple and, if possible, avoid situations where alcohol will be served. While this may seem like an extreme measure for some, immersing yourself in the proper environment will prove to be far more beneficial to your lifelong sobriety than the few hours of celebration that you aren't participating in.
As a family member or loved one, choose to just say, “no” to alcohol. If you are hosting a holiday celebration, make it a safe environment for everyone by having a no-alcohol policy.
Provide non-alcoholic drink alternatives. As a host or hostess you may find it impossible to have a no-alcohol policy; so, provide plenty of non-alcoholic drink alternatives for your loved one in recovery. In addition, offer your support by choosing to abstain from consuming alcohol as well.
Attend an Al-Anon meeting. The families or friends of a loved one struggling with alcohol addiction also need support. Attending an Al-Anon meeting can help you to gain the tools that will aid your loved one on their journey to recovery.
Stay sober. Make a choice to support your family member by personally staying sober throughout the holidays. Quietly let your loved one know that you admire their determination and that you are proud of their conviction. Let them know that you are there with them on their journey and that you'll be staying sober during the celebrations as well.
Holidays can be one of the most challenging obstacles to a person in recovery, particularly those in early recovery. But, by offering loving, gentle support, you can help your loved one stay the course.
Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center recognizes the struggles that addicted individuals and their families go through when battling various types of addiction. Their unique individualized recovery program is recognized as one of the most comprehensive and individualized in the treatment field. Mountainside assists clients and their families from the very beginning of their journey by offering professional intervention services should they be needed.
Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.
Mountainside also provides services for those individuals who come to them with dual diagnoses and require the services of a Psychiatrist to help conquer the unique challenges that dual diagnosis brings.
For the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get, and to remain, sober. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.
The program, along with its professional addiction treatment team, have earned national recognition and resulted in Mountainside being invited to Washington by the White House to meet with the White House Drug Czar, John P. Walters, for an in-depth meeting on what makes its program so successful. These accolades did not go unnoticed within the addiction treatment field and resulted in the adoption by many throughout the country of a more holistic approach to drug addiction treatment.
If you or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, or if you have any questions, please contact Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center for a confidential inquiry at 800-762-5433.

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