Green Mountain Signs Distribution Agreement with Solluxus for Bio-Miracle™ Products
Company grants exclusive channel marketing rights to Solluxus for $5MM purchase commitment

Released on: February 29, 2012, 12:04 pm
Robert Brehm
CARLSBAD, Calif. – February 29, 2012 – Robert Brehm CEO of Green Mountain Development Corp (Pinksheet: GMND), announced that Green Mountain and Solluxus, LLC have signed a joint venture (JV) distribution agreement for a private label version of the company's Bio-Miracle™ microbial products. Solluxus plans to market the microbial products with its non-GMO seeds to groups and individuals who want to preserve and protect the integrity of the food supply.
Under the terms of the agreement, Solluxus will have exclusive channel international marketing rights for Bio-Miracle™ products through its proprietary sales and marketing program and Green Mountain will provide fulfillment services for the Bio-Miracle™ and Solluxus products. Both companies will work together to develop and distribute related products for Solluxus including solar power, water treatment, and backyard and community food growing systems that empower individual and community self reliance. The three year renewable agreement provides for exclusive channel marketing rights in return for a $5MM product purchase commitment. Initial product deliveries are expected in the third quarter beginning April 1.
Brehm commented, “I have known the principal of Solluxus for over 20 years and when he invited me to participate, I was very excited to not only supply the Bio-Miracle™ products but also to be actively involved in the market development and product mix decision making. I believe our past experience in water treatment and the company's microbial product line will be very useful in quickly ramping up Solluxus' sales efforts to domestic and international customers. Our initial efforts will be in branding, packaging design, kitting, and setting up the internal operations for product fulfillment and customer support for deliveries beginning in the third quarter. The Solluxus relationship adds a new channel of distribution and potentially large, new customer base that augments our existing international channels for Bio-Miracle™ product distribution.”
About Green Mountain Development Corp
Green Mountain Development Corp provides project development services for capital providers and technology operators and distributes licensed products related to the energy, agricultural and environmental sectors.
About Solluxus
Solluxus is connecting like-minded people and groups to encourage strategies for protection of family, for self-reliance and for sustainability through delivery of non-GMO seeds and related products. (see for more info or contact at 1-702-871-8535 )
Investors and media contact Robert Brehm at 619/488-3744 ( or visit the corporate website for news and updates.
The information contained in this press release includes forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements usually contain the words "estimate," "anticipate," "believe," "expect" or similar expressions that involve risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include the company's status as a development stage company with uncertain profitability, need for significant capital, uncertainty concerning market acceptance of its products, competition, limited service and manufacturing facilities, dependence on technological developments and protection of its intellectual property. The company's actual results could differ materially from those discussed herein.