Makro ‘Chip' In With Great Offers For The One Stop Chip Shop

Released on: February 09, 2012, 8:46 am
Author: Jack Rigby
National Chip Week returns from 21 – 25 February 2012 and this
year Makro provides the perfect solution for all chip shop owners and
chip lovers alike to keep costs low and margins high.
Providing a one-stop shop for National Chip Week, Makro has everything needed to
help generate additional footfall and cater for all chip-needs from catering equipment to Chef’s jackets.
Whether customers prefer to make their own chips from fresh, or cook straight from
frozen, Makro has the solution. Fresh Maris Piper potatoes are available in 25kg at
only £4.99 (excl vat) or a chilled chip from Lord priced at £5.75 (excl vat) for
10kg. Makro also stock a wide variety of sizes in its frozen range, from a slim
pomme frite to a chunky Best of British classic.
Even in the preparation, there are offers such as 12.5kg of First fry beef frying
fat just £14.49 to help reduce costs and increase profit.
Finishing touches are catered for with takeaway cutlery and packaging containers/
including offers such as 1000 Aro wooden chip forks for just £3.99 (excl vat) or
plastic forks just £7.95 (excl vat) or 5LTR Sarsons Distilled vinegar £4.49 (excl
Gill Shakeshaft, from Makro said, “National Chip Week is a big event in the takeaway
calendar and it’s important to reward our customers by reducing prices of their
everyday essentials. We stock everything from super fresh, fresh and disposables
all under one roof so our customers will be ready to celebrate National Chip Week.”
- ENDS -
Notes to Editors
METRO Cash & Carry is represented in 30 countries with over 700 self-service
wholesale stores. With more than 100,000 employees worldwide, the wholesale company
achieved sales of about € 31 billion in 2011. METRO Cash & Carry is a sales division
of METRO GROUP. METRO GROUP is one of the largest and most international retailing
companies. In 2011 the Group reached sales of around € 67 billion.
The company has a headcount of some 280,000 employees and operates around 2,200
stores in 33 countries. The Group’s performance is based on the strength of its
sales brands which operate independently in their respective market segment:
Metro/Makro Cash & Carry – the international leader in self-service wholesale, Real
hypermarkets, Media Markt and Saturn – European market leader in consumer
electronics retailing, and Galeria Kaufhof department stores. More information at:
For more information please contact Jack Rigby or Michael Travers on 0161 923 4994
or email

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