Global Neuromarketing Professionals Unite Themselves In The NMSBA

Released on: March 07, 2012, 10:00 am
Carla Nagel
A group of Neuromarketing practitioners have formed a
professional body called The Neuromarketing Science & Business
Association (NMSBA), to promote the collective interests of
neuromarketing professionals around the world.
The NMSBA will provide professional support to neuromarketers and neuromarketing
scientists around the globe. For example, they will contribute to the development
and implementation of international guidelines on ethics, as well as promoting
standards in the discipline of neuromarketing.
The NMSBA Headquarters is based in Venlo, the Netherlands, and founded by Carla
Nagel (Director) with help of the spiritual father Martin de Munnik. The 100+
Members from 34 different countries just finished the elections, and have voted the
following people in the Board of
Directors for the term 2012-2015:
• Professor Richard Silberstein (president)
• Professor Gemma Calvert
• Christophe Morin
• Martin de Munnik
• Professor Rafal Ohme
The Board supports the NMSBA to fulfill their mission and form a solid
representation of the members from both the science and business communities.
The association has already elected 23 local chairs to act as ambassadors for the
NMSBA in their country. These countries include: Argentina, Australia, Brazil,
Belgium, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico,
Netherlands, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom,
and the United States of America.
The kick-off was the NMSBA’s inaugural event – the Neuromarketing World Forum,
focused entirely on the fields of neuroscientific research, consumer insights and
the application of the results within business. The next session of the
Neuromarketing World Forum is planned on 7 & 8 March 2013.
More information:
Contact Details: NMSBA Office
Contact: Carla Nagel
Stalbergweg 58, Venlo (NL)
+31 777 850 090