Indianapolis To Be Site Of Premier Green Building And Sustainability Conference In May 2012

Released on: March 01, 2012, 10:47 am
USGBC Indiana
(Indianapolis, IN, March 01, 2012) The Indiana Chapter of
the US Green Building Council (USGBC) is host for the 9th annual
'Greening the Heartland' Regional Conference (GTH2012) at the
Indianapolis Convention Center from May 16th to 18th of this year.
Over 1200 attendees from the 12 state Heartland Region are expected.
Building industry professionals, business community leaders, nonprofit
organizations, educators and students will be arriving in Indianapolis
to collaborate on green building and sustainable growth. With a
comprehensive format including keynote and break out education
sessions, a large exhibit hall, along with various networking events,
the 3 day program is anticipated to be one of the largest assemblies of
green-minded professionals and citizens ever held in Indiana.
This year's theme for GTH2012 Building Community is intended to emphasize the
diversity of people, businesses, and municipalities coming together to share vision
and solutions for sustainable Heartland communities in which to work, play, learn
and live. The GTH2012 programming focus specifically explores the interdependent
elements of true community sustainability as characterized by the conference
tagline: watts, water, waste and wheels. "Whereas green building projects are
ideal components of sustainable community design, their ultimate advantage relies on
addressing critical pathways and infrastructure for clean energy, clean water, a
sustainable means of arrival, and the efficient use of material resources while
minimizing waste. GTH2012 attendees will gain a greater understanding of these
concepts and similar environmental and economic trends of the maturing 21st
century" said Mac Williams, Conference Co-Chair and Indiana Chapter Board member.
The theme reflects bringing people together to share visions and solutions for
sustainable communities in which we work, play, learn and live.
The conference brings nationally renowned keynote speakers Charles Fishman,
journalist and author of 'The Big Thirst' and Jeremy Rifkin, economist/futurist
and author of 'The Third Industrial Revolution'. A final keynote presentation
will feature the new Wishard/Eskenazi Health hospital project in Indianapolis now
pursuing LEED® Silver certification making it one of the greenest hospital
facilities in the nation. Multi track educational sessions featuring more than
forty additional speakers offer continuing education units for interested
professionals. USGBC Indiana is especially excited to hold this conference in
downtown Indianapolis following the urban success story of SB2012. Plans are
underway to feature some of the greening efforts of that event including the design
of the SB Village and legacy projects. In addition, tour access and information
will be presented on key LEED® certified buildings within Indianapolis. For more
information, visit or email at
About the US Green Building Council:
The US Green Building Council (USGBC) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization committed to
a prosperous and sustainable future for our nation through cost-efficient and
energy-saving green buildings. With a community comprising more than 70 local
chapter affiliates, 18,000+ member companies and organizations, and more than
140,000 LEED® Professional Credential holders, the USGBC leads an unlikely diverse
constituency of builders and environmentalists, corporations and nonprofit
organizations, elected officials and concerned citizens, and teachers and students.
Find out more about USGBC-IN at
Contact Details: USGBC Indiana